
Would you want your teenage daughter to have a purity ring and be modest?

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would you?and would you want her to go to church and what age do you think is a good age to start dating?






  1. I don't think advertising it by wearing a ring is a good idea.  It will attract boys that are looking for a conquest.  I would hope that my teenage daughter would go to church but I do know that it is important for a person to find their own religious beliefs.  Dating in a group (not one on one) is okay at 14 and one on one dates at 17 maybe 16 if I felt the kid was mature enough to handle it.

  2. Nahhh, I'm not sure if that would work, modesty and being smart about your decision has to come from within, from your values, so I do not think a ring is neccesary, Thats a personal and private choice, the whole world doesnt have to know what you do to yor body and of course I would want her to go to church, because I'm religious, about the dating thing, probably 16 or 17

  3. honestly i don't think i would i want my daughters to wait until their about 18 or so but i don't think i would try and force them to wait until they are me s*x is not just s*x it is something of course i want them to you know keep their legs closed but if they want to be with someone maybe 2 people before they are married that is fine.i would be very disappointed and angry if the y had s*x at a young age but i can not stop them when they are about 13 i am getting them on birth control and giving them condoms just to make sure they do it right if they do it.and modest yes not nuns exactly but not the way girls dress these days dating really depends on their maturity,but i would say 13-15.i will let my children decide their own religion i am not religious i don't mind either way for them

  4. It truly depends on the person, her personal convictions and her relationship with her parents. A purity ring means nothing if the commitment to stay abstinent and pure in mind, heart and body is not rooted in the girl.

    I myself am one of those young ladies who have decided to make that commitment. Together with my parents I have decided to keep myself pure until marriage and, from my own personal conviction, have decided not to date as well.

    However, I have found that this is not for everyone. And while I encourage abstinence greatly, it's a decision that that person alone has to make. The purity ring only represents the deeply rooted promise that already lives in that individual. If she does not truly believe in this promise and treasure it deeply, the purity ring will mean nothing.

    This opinion is from a daughter's perspective. I hope this helped. :)

  5. well i mean you dont want to embarrass your daughter by making her be modest [if we are talking about the same thing]

    if you mean modest as in making her wear church girl outfits and walk around like a holy girl... dont do that... let her have some... safe responsible ... girl FUN [but keep limits, like make sure she understands no drinking no drugs]. DONT CONTROL HER whatever you do, cuz I learned the more you control... the more people try to pull away and push the boundries

    also teenagers generally question religion so forcing them to go to church is kinda overrrated because they will just sit there and not pay attention... let her figure out what she beleives in and support her... but once again make sure she doesnt believe in something like satanism or something... guide her and be there for her and explain to her that what you believe in is what she should

    a purity ring is also a good idea because it will help her remember that she should save herself and not give herself away to a guy and then later on end up regretting it like most girls or end up pregnant or sick

    and i also think 15 or 16 is a good age to start dating =]

  6. start off with telling how a male and female reproductive organs works.

    then go to how a babies made.

    then tell what s*x it, oral s*x, anal s*x , hand jobs, and vaginal

    take about stds (all of them) what they can do to both genders and if there is a cure or not.

    then you talk about safe s*x and the risks of them and

    make sure to answer all myths you know and question that come up.

    use picture to help point out things for the body reproductive parts, stds, what happens to a females body when it pregnant and other if needed.

    oh and teen s*x and the pressure they will face in middle and high school maybe college too.

    coming froma 18 who wish her parent had talked to her about s*x

  7. I have to agree with a lot of these posters. Teaching abstenance does not work, as the failed policies of the last 8 years show. And a purity ring just seems so shallow and fake. What does that do? If you are committed, you don't need a piece of jewelery to keep you on track.

    My older teenage son has a friend who has one...she's done everything but intercourse, because she's saving herself for marriage. That includes oral s*x, which can spread most of the STD's out there. I believe oral s*x is s*x.

    I have another friend who has put the fear of God in to her almost 18 year old daughter, literally; a boy she was out with accidentally touched her knee, and the girl freaked. That's not healthy.

    s*x is a normal part of life, and if you make it into something it's not, then you make people with huge hangups! Now, I think tenager should wait for several reasons (pregnancy, STD's, AIDS) but even aside from that, I don't think young teens have the maturity to deal with the emotional issues surrounding s*x.

    s*x should be a beautiful thing between two people who love each other, but I am not going to tell my children (ages 17 and 14) to wait forever, because that is unrealistic. I give them as much information as I can, try to be as open as possible, and tell them I think that high school is too young, and to wait until they are at least 18 years old.

    So far, they are both not sexually active. BTW, I have the same attitude towards drinking and drugs, (Be open, truthful, informative, as non-judgemental as I can be) and they also are not into that scene, althought they've told me many of their friends are.

    Giving kids unrealistic expectations that they feel they can never live up to dooms them to failure, IMHO. And making ANYTHING taboo is a recipe for disaster. Want to make a teen do something? Just tell him or her he isn't allowed to do it! Forbidden fruit! Remember prohibition!

    From a mother of two teens who are doing pretty well. Now just check back to me in a couple of years, and we'll see if they're still on track ;)

    I just want to clarify one thing-I do not condone teenage s*x, drinking or drug use, in any way, shape or form, but I think an open dialogue will help, and screaming condemnation will not.

  8. Going to church should have started early, but a good time to date is about 15. As for the purity ring, she really has to be in it for modesty to work. But really educate her on sexuality because though you may be concerned about her becoming extroverted, she may also become introverted and anti-social from ignorance.

  9. I had free spirited parents. s*x was an open discussion and wasn't somthing shameful. From a young age s*x was discussed in a matter of fact medical way. There was no sexual oppression. An out spoken opinionated women can be modest, church going and even chaste but the way you phrase your question makes me think of a meek timid women.

  10. Abstinence programs and purity rings don't work.  Look at Jamie Lynn Spears for goodness sake.

  11. I would rather have my teenage daughter educated on s*x and the positives and negatives that go along with engaging in sexual activity.

  12. No.  If she's a virgin, then that's great, but there's no use in advertising the fact.  It seems very silly to me, like something American Bush-supporting fundamentalist Xians would think up.

    Dating shouldn't really happen until at least sr. high school.  Before that it's great if kids can go out together in groups or just with friends of the same s*x.  However, if it happens, it happens.  Every situation is different.

    Church can be good, but it can also be bad.  I wouldn't want a kid that picks up on egotistical beliefs.  If they go to church for a sense of peace that doesn't harm others, that's great though.

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