
Would you wash your child's mouth out with soap?

by  |  earlier

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If yes for which reasons? If not why not? When you grew up did your parents do it to you?




  1. No!  I dont have kids but I would never even think about doing that to my kids.  There are better methods.  Atleast use something edible, like pepper or lemon juice.   Or use a totally different method, rather than putting something in your childs mouth.

        I look at it this way....would you want your mouth washed out with soap?

  2. h**l no! thats abuse in itself!

  3. I teach kindergarten and one of my students told me that they have bad word medicine. I was a little confused so I talked to his mom. They make a label for Listerine (you know the groos kind) and when someone (even the parents) say a bad word or talk ugly, they have to rinse their mouth out. It is a great, creative, and useful way to keep them from saying ugly things. You can adapt it to whatever behavior you need it for.

  4. I probably wouldn't bother.

    It's been done to me, and I don't think it's that bad, but it sure didn't help me much.

  5. ew no. I don't have children but hwen I do two words. h**l. no.

  6. no i dont wash my childrens mouths w/soap and have never had it done to me when i was young, although i do put pepper in my childrens mouths if they say something bad!!

  7. No, I don't see how that would solve anything.

    It could also harm, so why do it?

  8. Discipline should never involve making your own child sick or poisioning your child which is what soap in a mouth can result in. If a child is swearing, the parents need to check their own behaviour, because a child is a mirror of their environment.

  9. No, Soaps contain ingredients that may make a child sick!

  10. no I wouldn't wash my child's mouth with soap. I would make them stand in the corner or talk to them about behavior problems. I would use tooth paste to wash their mouth. My parents would never stick soap in my mouth. My parents would sit me in time out and then talk to me and see if I knew what I did and why I was in time out

  11. Never!

    There are much better options than putting Lifebouy in a child's mouth.

  12. i would never do that to my kids that is just mean there is no reason to do that

  13. NO!

  14. Yes I would. I think it is a good disciplinary measure. I works very well. No I did not get it when i was a child my fiance however did. In my household a rule is for everybody so when my fiance or I slip up we do get our mouth washed by the other (nasty). It works very well

    Bring on the thumbs down

  15. No.  It's nasty and weird.  I had it done to me, and I threw up afterwards and was choking on soap pieces all day.  It didn't teach me not to swear, it just made me think my mom was a loon :|

    I personally will find another way to discipline my child if the situation ever arose.

  16. well I wouldn't because I want to raise my children with love rather than making them affraid and hate me in the future I would just explain why it is wrong and tell them how bad it is to make them freak out to never to do it again

  17. I have washed my son's mouth out with Lava soap for telling a lie. It definitely gets his attention and the soap is harmless. My mother used it on myself and my siblings and it definitely makes you think twice about lying, especially if you know that is waiting in the wings.

  18. If the child used bad language and refused to stop, I see no problem with using that method as an object lesson. Fortunately, my child was not obstinate and it was never necessary.

  19. if nothing else will work

  20. I  have  known  several  people  who   did  it .

    Some ,  the  child was  deliberately  using  foul  language  to  be  cool  and  the  mouth washing  did  end  the  problem .

    Another  used  it  on  a  child  too  young  to  understand  language  issues  and  was  puking  from  the  experience .

    Like  any  tough  punishment   it   can  work  or  backfire .

    Personally ,  I   think  the  child  has  to  be  old   enough to  understand   the  instruction  about  foul  language  and  then  do  it  on  purpose .

    If   they  are   too  young  and  just  mimicking  something  they heard  a  grown-up  say ,

    Then   the  soap   would  be  abusive .


  21. Why would I do that? How dumb.

  22. no but i would use lemon juice or hot sauce if they cussed or told a lie but soap is gross might make them sick.

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