
Would you wash your child's mouth with soap?

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If yes why If no why? When you grew up was it done to you?




  1. When I was little, my mother would wash my mouth out with soap if I talked back. It happened quite a bit; I eventually became immune to it. I would never do it to MY children. I think it was a generational thing.

  2. No, that's disgusting.

  3. I don't think I could do that.

    Yes, it was done to me but my mom preffered hot sauce.  Maybe that's why I love hot sauce to this day.  Hmmm.

  4. Yes I would do it to my child. And no it was not done to me when I grew up, but it is done to me now by my fiance. We have decided if we set up a rule in our household everybody has to follow it or get the consequences. And no soap is not poisonous.

  5. No, because it's to time consuming and they'll struggle then I may hurt one of them without meaning to and end up in jail for child abuse, attempting to poison with a deadly chemical, child endangerment and who knows what they'll add to the list.  So instead I would send them to their room no tv, music, artwork or any fun of any sort.  And yes that was done to me at least twice and no it didn't help I cursed like a sailor then and I still do now but with a smile knowing that nobody can stop me!!!!

  6. It was never done to me, i got the extra chores routine.  I wouldn't do it - seems like a choking hazard to me...

  7. Yes if nessacery I would.And yes I had it done to me.I will not tolerate foul language in my house.

  8. Nope. I honestly don't think it is effective for most kids. My mom did it to me once and my brother multiple times. It worked for me, but not for him.

  9. No! Children who say things they shouldn't are often only imitating what they've heard elsewhere. I would consider this abuse.

  10. No i got the belt treatment

  11. When I was 5 years old they allowed that in school, now and days no.  I would never do it.  Soap has to many chemicals in it and who knows who's body the soap has been on.  Nasty.

  12. No, it's a form of corporal punishment that is just not necessary, and can be toxic do some degree if they swallow it, depending on the soap. My parents may have tried it once but I was pretty good at defending myself from such things.

  13. i personally never had it done to me but ive seen it done before when i was younger to my cousins. i believe thats a horrible way to punish a child. why would you want to put so many chemicals into your child's mouth? there are much better ways to discipline.

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