
Would you watch Nationwide races if the Cup guys weren't racing?

by Guest61031  |  earlier

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I only watch when Tony or Kyle are racing.




  1. prob not, unless the racewas at a good track

  2. Yes I would watch it no matter what.

  3. I prefer Kyle being in the race, but if not I pull for Jason Leffler.

  4. yea, but i wish the cup guys would stay out..its pretty much like practice for them...we dont get to see any new talent win

  5. i try to watch them all on nascar com  since i cant get them on cable

  6. Really wish they would quit "buschwacking" or is it "nationwacking" this year?

    Either way, as long as the Toyotas keep winning :)

  7. I would watch them all if they were on regular TV.

  8. I haven't watched a race since they messed with the points system. I'm surprised that after mid-season, more drivers just don't stay  home and watch the top 10! Nascar claims it's to fill the stands, from my point of view, we'd watch if they were racing skateboards!

  9. probally not unless my driver was racing!!

  10. yes i would

  11. I don't watch many of them unless my driver is involved. Too busy usually.

  12. Might not even... ''Be a race'' if the CUP Guy's were'nt  rac'in

  13. i probably would, but not as religiously.  i like to see the new talent coming up - i'm really looking forward to logano starting next week. even without the cup "claim jumpers," it's a good place to get a jump on being a fan "from the start."  usually, the most interesting competition in nationwide isn't for the championship, but for rookie of the year.  

    since 2000, the list of rookies of the year is a who's who of who's been chase-worthy - harvick, biffle, riggs, stremme, rowdy, edwards, o'quinn, and ragan.  and just wait until logano runs a full season there, if he does, and loren/warren wallace - lightning baby.

    luckily, rowdy races in everything, so i have a reason to watch them all.

  14. I actually stopped watching because it's usually one of Joe Gibb's Cup guys winning. Gets boring after a while.

  15. no i wouldnt i honestly wouldnt i barely watch it now i only watch the last twenty to ten laps

  16. Probably not as many.  I usually watch all of them, even if my favorite driver isn't in it.  But, if there were no Cup guys, I wouldn't make a point of watching it as I do now.

  17. Absolutely. These guys are the future of the Cup Series and they race just as hard.

  18. I was watching it just to see the battle between the #32 and #83. I basically only reserve time in my schedule to watch all the cup races. But I was hanging out in front of the T.V. and flipped on the channel, and got stuck watching the funn

  19. Of coarse I would. I mean it is great when some of my favorite cup guys like Tony and Denny race. Especially because they are not racing for the championship so they can go out there and have fun. I do have favorite Nationwide drivers too though. I really like Steve Wallace and I can't wait to watch Joey Logano next week.

  20. I would probably watch more of the race of the Cup guys weren't driving in them.. I love the races that the cup guys or most of them don't run like Memphis. Cup guys need to be limited, I do not know how but these Nationwide regulars don't have much of a chance with the big guns out there, all they can hope for is a top 5 finish.

    Go Dale Jr & Hms

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