
Would you watch a makeup review on youtube if..?

by  |  earlier

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if it was a 13 year old making the videos?




  1. yes. if she knew what she was doing & it looked good.

    fafinettex3 does really good makeup

  2. YES!! because then i know that they know what they're talking about when its like 13 year old makeup.. lol... hahaa if u plan on making one or if you already have one can u email it to me? thankss a ton!

  3. maybe

  4. uhh depends if her makeup looked good or not .

  5. of course!

  6. It doesn't matter how old she is as long as she does it well and it looks pretty.

  7. If it looked good, and she knew what she was talking about. Maybe I'd even supscribe.

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