
Would you watch "America's Top Skeptic"?

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A show where skeptics are put to the test.

For example the following challenges.

Give a "cold reading" to convince people you are an accurate psychic.

Identify the places in a reportedly haunted location where ghost are most often reported to be seen.

Use the power of suggestion "tell the tale of the ghost" to see if the people that hear the stories report seeing a ghost that night or weekend.

In other words put the theories explanations that are offered to the test and see who can do it with the explanation.

Top Prize 100, 000 to 1 million.




  1. I would rather watch that than a so called psychic or ghost hunter.

  2. This could be an interesting show if it was done right. Like MythBusters, it's useful to show how one goes about testing claims of any sort. Of course, to be fair, it should also put to the test claims of psychic abilities.

    Unfortunately, given the limited-attention-span nature of commercial television, it would be exceedingly difficult to do more than a single test, and that doesn't prove anything.  TV is all about entertainment, not about a dispassionate search for truth.

  3. I want Randi to teach me how to fake bending spoons with no physical force applied in the presence of a crowd of people, he could make billions of that.

  4. "Any proclaimed scientists who are skeptics, aren't genuine scientists. All doors are open with endless possibilities."

    You have a really off base idea of science.  The fundamental basis of science is skepticism.  'All doors are open' is naivete.  A scientist should not accept any idea that does not have empirical evidence to support it.  Just because something is possible does not make it likely or even worthy of serious thought.  See - Russels Teapot.  You can't prove that there's *not* a small teapot out in space orbiting the sun, but there's no evidence in support of it so it's not a good idea.

    "a rational thinker knowing anything is possible"

    This is like, the antipodal position of 'rational thinking.'  Rationality is about being able to figure out what ideas are worth merit, not what ideas are theoretically possible in some abstract philosophical sense.  And that is what skepticism *is*

    I fear that more and more people are actually going to think this 'all things could be possible' mentality is what science is about.  Science is a balance between considering all possibilities, then whittling away those possibilities with extreme skepticism.

  5. Why would an individual watch a show of people who have a closed minded view of the world?

    Let me talk to a skeptic for a couple hours. If the skeptic has a high enough IQ, then he/she will no longer be a skeptic, but instead be a rational thinker knowing anything is possible.

    Any proclaimed scientists who are skeptics, aren't genuine scientists. All doors are open with endless possibilities.

  6. LOL, I would. But I seem to remember a show like this except for psychics and it didn't last very long, just one season if that. I saw a couple episodes. But the show you are suggesting is much more analytical and the public in large usually don't find stuff like that very entertaining TV fare. Also, what you're suggesting doesn't sound like well-designed conclusive tests but perhaps your intention is entertainment instead of science.

  7. What makes you think the spirit that produces these results like these parlour games?  A skeptic would not believe even when presented with facts.  No I don't find this valid.

  8. nope

  9. I wouldn't watch it if baseball was on. It doesn't sound like my cup of tea, but that's not really the question, is it?

    Neither psychics or skeptics are above scrutiny. Just as there are fake psychics who con people into believing they have "powers" they do not, there are skeptics who are trying to cash in and aren't dealing in an ethical manner.

    PSI, as someone who respects and appreciates you, can I say something? You aren't at your best when you bait the skeptics. Some of them are OK.

  10. I would watch a skeptic show where skeptics give good  explanations for experiences/ events/ abilities etc. that some people call paranormal. I think the first time they said"There is no evidence" or mentioned "Randi"..I'd start channel surfing.

    Edit...It seems to me that a real scientist shouldn't be skeptical. They should be open to believing either way...until they draw their conclusions based on facts. And even then..they should be open to admitting that they "could be wrong"...since scientists HAVE been wrong a few times in the past.

  11. I'd watch in a heartbeat. I think its an excellent idea. Believers will see that paranormal claims do have normal explanations. Skeptics can learn good ways to test claims. Skeptics also need to understand that because something is done one way, it doesn't mean that that is the ony way or explanation for something.  Certainly just about anything is better than watching "paranormal investigators" floundering about using equipment improperly and responding to the power of suggestion.

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