
Would you wear emotional clothing?

by  |  earlier

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I`m not sure i would like everyone knowing what mood i am in from my clothes.

Think of the embarassment if you looked aroused in the supermarket.

It might prove useful in the nightclub though.




  1. OHMYGOD thats the fugliest thing ive ever seen!

    no i wouldnt wear it

  2. LOL!!! Well if it was tesco at lunch time it would be known as the red light district ha ha........:)

  3. That has put a whole new prospective on going to waitrose.

  4. think of the flies and moths that would be following you in that

  5. I think it's interesting.

    I don't see how it could be useful at all.

    it's something that they just made because they could.

    i'd wear it in vegas.

    any where else would be much.

  6. As long as I didnt have to listen to My Chemical Romance, wear black lippy and get suicidal when Boots run out of black hair dye.

  7. What goes on in your supermarket then? You get aroused? In which aisle?

    Please don't say Bleach And Disinfectant.....

    I need no dress to convey my mood, It's permanently jammed at 'p1ssed off and irritated' ;-)

    EDIT-LMAO!!! Cheese Counter?

    I think we should be told.......

  8. It's a good start but something simpler like a t shirt that just lights up "take me now" would be quite good for a night out!  Obviously, you would need a "no thanks" option too!

  9. i've been in sack cloth and ashes for years and folk still tell me to cheer up and wonder why i tell them to F'off

  10. I don't need emotional clothing. I have a face. :)

  11. LOL! That is quite interesting...

    I probably wouldn't wear that around much!!!

    It would be fun to try on once or twice though...I would be fascinated by the changing colors!!!

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