
Would you wear leather or fur products that came from animals who died of natural causes?

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Would you wear leather or fur products that came from animals who died of natural causes?




  1. I would only wear leather that was processed and tanned from a fresh skin.  If I was a woman I might wear fur, but I have no interest in it being a man.

  2. No, i dont wear leather, fur or anything from an animal, full stop.

    I get all my shoes and belts from a vegetarian shop in Brighton UK, they do business, casual shoes and trainers and also a variety of other, usually, leather items.

  3. i would never wear fur but leather i do have only because the cow it came from is also being used for food the mink or chinchilla used for the fur is only used for fur the rest gets thrown away which is wrong

  4. I think leather for winter and fur for autumn will be good !

  5. Would you wear your grandmother if she died of natural causes?

    Besides, the amount of chemicals used to stop what is literally skin decaying would make me not wear it from an environmental perspective aswell as an ethical one.

    100perstratusfaction: I used to think that was true but you are sadly mistaken: many cows are bred, raised, and killed purely to rip of their skin and use it to make shoes, wallets etc.

  6. No! I think its the same question as asking,"Would you wear a persons clothes if he was murdered or died of natural causes?."

  7. I don't really like fur but I would wear leather, because if you really cared about the environment and about animals you wouldn't resort to wearing clothes made from weird fake leathers and furs and crazy plastics that hurt the environment which in turn hurts animals and humans.

    It makes sense to use nature when you can but not to exploit it, just use it in a sustainable manner.

  8. No, I would leave it for a person that can't live without those things. I can handle it without any effort but for many it seems like some sort of struggle.

  9. no - cuz its one of those things about me where i cant help but think - im steppin on a poor dead creatures skin -gross

    rest in peace - not as shoes!

  10. Never

    And they don't use dead animals for fur

    they skin them alive

    which is sick

  11. No I wouldn't.  Even if the animal died of natural causes, wearing leather would still promote the leather industry.

  12. No becasue it would be all matted infested with bugs and the stomach would prolly ruin the hide.  To keep the hide safe and good you would have to pin the animal in so the hide wouldnt get hurt when the animal died.

  13. No.

    There are enough alternatives to animal skins - there's no need to wear fur or leather however the animal died.

    And to be honest, any animal dying of natural causes would presumably have been sick or very old. So it's unlikely that the skin would be of any use.

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