
Would you wear the "I was raped" shirt? It is from the makers of the "I had an abortion" shirt?

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I am being totally serious. If you were raped would you wear this shirt to raise awareness?




  1. No.

  2. no. why would anyone that had been raped want to draw attention to themselves in that way. i can see the point, but i think it's asking too much.

  3. No way!!

  4. i agree with the lil devil, no one who was actually raped would... bunch a cretins

  5. Absolutely not.

    I do find it interesting that the words are inside of a safe, a place most people put their valuables, and most treasured possessions.

    The shirt is offensive to me on so many levels!

  6. It's like you would be trying to promote it.  Hey, look at me, I was raped.  I doubt a lot of people would take it serious.  Or they would think she was looking for pity.  Also, if a good looking s**y woman was wearing that shirt, it might come accross that she is looking for a man (or some action).  In other words, to be raped (in a matter of speaking)

  7. No or maybe yes! No because that's embarrassing no one needs to no my business other than my family or husband or boyfriend etc. Yes because it is to raise awareness I mean this could tell people that being raped might just happen to you! This shirt might save a life it could teach girls to be aware. I don't know I'm a little iffy.

  8. I would probably only wear it if I was raped and going to a rally regarding rape awareness... Same would be for the abortion shirt.

  9. no way. It would be like wearing a shirt that says my house was robbed last week.  People understand the dangers in this world, wearing a shirt, holding a sign, posting on the internet doesn't make us any safer. In my opinion it looks like a cry for pity, like I was raped give me attention.  I do feel bad for people who have things like this happen to them but most people want to go on with their lives, some want to act like it never happened. that doesn't mean they forget, they just want to keep that part of their private life.  Maybe wearing a shirt that says "i was raped by an accused rapist who was set free because he wasn't read his rights properly" would have a bigger statement, I don't know.

  10. The most productive awareness is the reporting of the rape and the follow through to a successful conviction.  

    But how would a tshirt like that raise awareness?  Really?  Perhaps it would elicit sympathy or concern....but how would it raise awareness?  And awareness of what?  We already know that rape exists.  As do abortions.  We don't need to advertise that they happen - but we do need support for those victims so they can take the necessary steps to ensure punishment - turning a positve out of something negative...

  11. I would. It would make people - including myself - uncomfortable, but one of the biggest problems with rape is the secrecy and sense of shame afterwards. If women felt more comfortable acknowledging that it had happened to them, maybe other women would be more likely to file police reports, seek counseling, turn to family and friends for support, and eventually be able to heal emotionally. That being said, I've never been raped, so I can't 100% say for sure what I would do. I certainly wouldn't judge anyone who chose to wear the shirt, or someone who chose not to wear it. It also depends on where you wear it....take back the night rally = appropriate, meeting the boyfriend's family = not.

  12. I would raise awareness, but not on a T-shirt.

  13. I don't know if I would have the courage. It would be a hard, painful thing to tell others about yourself, but by golly would it ever provoke thought!! The first thing I felt when I saw the picture was great compassion for the woman even though she probably hasn't been raped and is just modeling the shirt. It would be useful to raise awareness.

    I just hope it doesn't get into the hands of those silly college-campus fems who think that rape means any time you regret having s*x or having s*x when you're drunk or being persuaded to do it by a boyfriend (still consensual, not rape!). That wouldn't be good.

  14. I am very forthright with people in letting them know that I was once a victim of rape (4 years ago when I was 18.)  I have that information on my profile on 360 and on my MySpace page too.  I have discussed issues related to rape with many, many people.  So, I am not shy about people knowing what happened to me.  But, honestly I don't think that I would wear the shirt.  It doesn't seem to me that it would be very effective in raising awareness because it comes across as a billboard or a sign, not as a heartfelt discussion of the ramifications of having been raped.  It just seems kinda tacky.

  15. No.  I understand the mentality behind the shirt (in that they're coming out of the vault to express a hidden secret that they should not be ashamed of) but I personally would never wear it.  I may talk to people about what happened, but to wear it for all the world to know would be... I can even describe it.  Perhaps I would give props to the rape victim who felt strong enough to wear this, but its not me.

  16. No.  However, I think I would wear a shirt made specifically meant to raise awareness, such as "_____ women/men/etc are raped throughout a year", followed by other information.

  17. I think these people want to put a "face on rape".

  18. only if the back had a website or something to go to for people to find out more information about it. but not just a shirt that on the front says "i was raped"

  19. h**l no

  20. $50 says that anyone that wears that has never been raped

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