
Would you wear this to homecoming? ?

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What do you think of this dress for a homecoming dance? Or is it too casual?;jsessionid=C4334023718D2D52676D5A95AA811069.app13-node2?itemdescription=true&itemCount=60&id=14869671&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortProperties=+product.marketingPriority,-product.startDate&navCount=45&navAction=poppush&color=

In the blue color.

If its too casual, do you know how it could be dressed up? Hair, makeup, jewelry? Etc.




  1. Its a tad too casual but it's a cute dress

  2. I own that dress!!!!! But I wore it to school with a white t shirt underneath!

  3. too casual but if you really have to wear it, get your hair done really nice, get some nice shoes, nails, etc.

  4. nah

  5. its alright.

    heelpp please and ty

  6. I think it's a beautiful dress!

  7. its way too casual...try something else

  8. Most people wear jeans to homecoming, so I think that it is perfect!  

  9. i think it's too casual and i don't think you could dress it up with jewelry or anything because of the material... it just isn't dressy enough

  10. I think it's cute. Homecoming is cute and casual at the same time; it's nothing like prom or another social event. If you plan on going with this dress though, or if you think it's too simple- then accessorize or make your hair really neat.  

  11. Too casual. It might look awkward if you try to dress it up.

  12. I like it, its really cute.  I think it is casual but not too casual for homecoming--you could dress it up with a cute pair of shoes.  Try and keep the jewelery to a minimum--the neckline of the dress is already pretty busy.  If you do a silver smokey eye, i think that would go pretty good with the dress

    a good tutorial for the silver smokey eye:


    longer tutorial:

  13. waayyyyy too casual. try something else like this.    haha jk.

  14. yeah its a bit to casual but its only homecoming i would wear it....its really cute though  

  15. if i was u i would probably wear some sparkly shoes & jewelry

    to go with it

    but the dress is cute

    it just needs 2 be spiced up some

    hope that helped


  16. yeah i guess you can wear that but wear a flashy bracelet and earrings  

  17. too ugly.

  18. Its little bit too casual. But you could spice the dress it up with jewelry and make-up. add a little bit of sparkle and shine

  19. i wouldn't. it needs to have a little more...pizazz! its just to...bland.

  20. i think the dress is too casual alone but you could dress it up with some gold brcelets and maybe a clutch. but dont ove rdo it. keep it simple and i think the dress will work just fine. also you might want to try some gold heels or gold shoes depending on what kind you want to wear. hope this helps  :)

  21. too casual

  22. I like it, but I hope you have better b***s to actually fill that dress.

  23. thats wayyy to casual!

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