
Would you wear those Depends adult diapers if you didn't really have bladder control issues?

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Sometimes at work we have these 3 hour meetings and our boss gets ticked off if you have to leave during the meeting. So, I was thinking about wearing one of those Depends and then I could just pee without having to leave the room. Thoughts?




  1. Bring an empty jar with you and go under the table.

  2. Try out the Diaper at home and then, if you like it, use it.  So what if you smell like pee?  Maybe if that happens enough times, your boss will give everyone a bathroom break.  I have NEVER heard about going for 3 hours straight without a break.  That's ridiculous.


  4. Wow. I think that would only be appropriate if it were Halloween and you were dressed as a giant baby.

    And even then your coworkers might notice the smell of urine permeating the board room.

  5. LOL what an idea!  But first, you may want to test it out.  Pee in it and sit around for 3 hours before taking it off, just so you can be sure you're comfortable with the idea of sitting in your own waste lol.

    No, really--I'm serious.  Also, you want to make sure it doesn't stink the place up.  I'd rather go to the bathroom than have everyone staring at me because I smell like p**s.    : /

  6. Yes, but see a doctor about it too.

  7. I agree with the rest.  Those diapers hold allot but you might smell later.  That cannot be a good thing either for your body.  Also, they make your butt look like you are wearing diapers.  I would just say excuse me and get up and go pee.  That is obviously a control issue anr your boss is an unfeeling AH.  GO PEE and just smile when you return!

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