
Would you wear underwear to enhance certain parts of your body to look more attractive for the opposite s*x?

by  |  earlier

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You've seen them or heard of them right...? bras with extra padding or underwear with padding to make your butt look like JLO's...?




  1. I wear a wonderbra, im a 34B, and it just gives me shape to match the rest of my bodч as i'm a size 12 (uk). I mainlч wear it to give me confidence, but I guess it's nice for a little attention.. (:

  2. I would consider it  

  3. No, i don't have any wonderbra because i don't need it ;-D jajajajajajaja LOL

    Just black under wear, i look s**y...mmmhhh well, I'm think so! XD

  4. yes

  5. lol no!

  6. Like JLo? Never... jajaja!! That's not my style... but I have few s**y underwear clothes that makes wonderful things... jajaja!!

    Mmmm... but, as many people says: all the secret is in the actittud!!



  7. Me gusta mirar donde termina la espalda ...

    ¡ date vuelta ya carnalito !!! .....jajaja


  8. no, i wouldnt.

    theyre already enhanced enough..

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