
Would you worry if this happened to your baby at his first day of home daycare?...?

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my 5 month old started his 1st day of a home daycare. i do not know if i am just being paranoid here or if i should take these as signs. first, my son has a red mark on his head, size of a quarter, he also has scratches on his neck, inner leg, butt, and on the lower side of his face. i know this because he never gets scratches at home with me unless his nails are growing he might give himself one on his nose. could the kids at daycare with him done that? these scratches aren't deep but i just wonder... also, she didn't have anything packed for me, she knew the time i was coming too. i left behind a teether, a new toy of his, a bottle, and a little sports bag with his extra clothes and bibs. i don't want to be overreacting here, so i just want to know what other moms would think.. because i know i worried about him.




  1. I was wondering if you looked into how many employees they have working there vs. the number of children. Also check out the day care with the better business bureau. Always go with your gut feelings and if you think you should take him out then do so. Do not wait until it becomes more serious. Good luck.  

  2. some times kids run into thing or one throws a fit and throws something and it will hit another kid, or they happen to crawl into something, or some one gets mad and steps on some one.

    she should have told you about that, you should call and ask her whats going on, and if she has 7 she needs a second person to be there. or should, 7 is the limit for one person. and having watched 7 kids before alone with the other aid some place else, its a bit hard if you have a new kid that is young and wants his mommy and is not used to you. they squirm and try to get away from you. and I have had little kids do stupid stuff in cribs and other things. you take and put snack away, and one tipped something on them selves like a box of toys (a small one like a shoe box) and its annoying.

    first I would call and talk to her.

  3. after one day a red mark and scratches everywhere- my son wouldn't be going to a 2nd day.

  4. Get your son OUT OF THERE NOW!!! Nobody is gonna care for him like you are. Make a sacrifice and find better care or make time to do it yourself. You'll regret if something bad happens to him!

  5. Yes, maybe you should worry a bit, but then again it can be your mommy instincts so all i can say is be very analytical and keep your eye on this one!

  6. Yes,i think you are rite!You should always trust a mothers instinct because its always rite?And being a mother we do overreact sometimes but better to be safe than sorry!

  7. TAKE HIM OUT OF THERE. im not kidding, it sounds horrible, dont take a risk and next time you chose a place, spend a few hours there with your baby.  

  8. Well if your worried that you child is getting abused or whatever don't bring them back. You are probably right, i think the day care person doesnt know what shes doing. I'm not a parent but it sounds really fishy.

  9. I have done home daycare for years, and have had to send children home with a bump once in a while, but not several scratches, and I always have things packed and ready to go home.  

    Follow your gut.  Find a new daycare.  

  10. TAKE HIM OUT RIGHT NOW dats all i got to say

  11. holy $hit get him outta there CHILD ABUSING DAYCARE take pics of it then report it to the police

    answer pleez?

  12. you are not over reacting, that is your child and you have a right to know whats going on and a right to protect your baby. go in there and ask what had happened, don't let this keep happening take your child out of that place, find a new one and report that place

  13. i would have had your things ready if i knew what time you were coming if she was to busy with kids and did not have time she needs more help and i would take my kid out of there..i guess i would ask her what happened you would think she would have told you when you got there i would be a little concerned and honestly i would find a new place..babies heads are so sensitive and i would be sitting there wondering if she/he was ok all day..i think you should talk to her and take your son out of there

  14. I wouldn't take my baby back there. Although, I still haven't taken my son to a day care. (He is 6 months old.) My son only scratches his face too. And at five months he probably isn't rolling too far right? Last month my son would roll back and forth- so he couldn't get into anything. Now though he will roll over to anything he wants to get to. Which means he could roll into something that may scratch him.

    If your son isn't rolling far then that would mean someone else did the scratching. And those are a lot of scratches! I wouldn't go back, but --- I am a paranoid mom and I know it.

    : (  

  15. first and foremost you have great concerns. It is possible that the other children could have done this but you didnt state your childs age group of his.peers. Obviously he must still be a lil one if he has a teether bottle etc with him... As i said it could be the other kids but you need to talk to the care provider and find out what happened dont be afraid to voice concerns. Tell her about the scratches and the mark on the head and ask her to please have his things together when its time for him to go. YOU are PAYING her to do a job and there is not excuse for that kind of lazyness. If it continues contact your city and let them know. I would first talk to the other parents and ask them if they have had any problems with her in the past. And tell her my son is not a punching bag and i dont want the kids hurting him.

    good luck~

  16. uhm yes; take your child out right away and perhaps report the daycare

    does not sound normal.

  17. Wow that doesn't sound good at all! i work a daycare and things do happen but if these things are happening everyday something is going on! first off if anything happens during daycare we tell the parents so that they don't have to worry about anything. you may just want to call and ask about what was going on. it is really strange to get scratches on the butt and inner thighs. something about this is weird and even if it is the kids the lady should have saw something and it should have stopped! you can't not notice a huge red mark on his face the size of a quarter!  

  18. Obviously the daycare workers are not watching the children. Your five month old should never be left alone, nor ignored when around other children. I would suggest picking him up a few hours early one day and trying to catch them not doing there jobs. Hope this helps!

  19. This is your child's first day at daycare and you are already questioning his care. Did she explain the bump and scratch? I would question her. If the kids at daycare did this she must be leaving them unattended. Have you done a background check? Her not having your child ready to go already shows you she is irresponsible. This is your baby you have the right to overreact.

  20. Trust your instincts. Something clearly isn't right it may just be the carer is slightly over worked and needs to employ another carer or cut out 1 or 2 other children.

    I have a big fear about letting my kids attend a day care because of the rising abuse rate we see every day!

    I would politely and calmly approach your sitter and just ask if she noticed any other kids around your bubs and if it were possible that they may have scratched her. If you don't feel your getting the attention and focus you and your baby deserve start looking for another sitter.

    Good Luck and remember as a mum we can never worry too much...

  21. h**l no you're not overreacting!! Get him out of there....if I had picked up my baby looking like that I probably would've "overreacted" by accidentally putting my fist through that lady's face.....

  22. follow your gut hunny!! thats how mommies work =)

    you cant ever be too protective

  23. if the baby was older then i would assume he was interacting with others and they tangled up. but your 5 month old shouldn't have that much or that kind of interaction.  best thing to do:  ask questions & talk with the sitter!  theres no such thing as overreacting when it comes to your baby.

  24. If your child has scratches I would be worried because he is showing physical signs of violence. If the woman at the daycare center didn't even notice, then something is wrong. I would speak with them about this problem, so they can watch out for what is happening and try to fix it.

  25. I would definitely be worried about it.  That is a ton of scratches on his body in weird places.  It also sounds like the red mark on his head might be from rolling off of the couch or something.  This lady also sounds very disorganized.  I would be searching for a new day care if I were you!

    Follow your instincts- if you feel like it isn't right, act on it quickly and don't look back!

  26. I would ask her about the scratches... chances are the other kids probably did do it but you can't expect that someone who is looking after several kids to be able to pay aas much attention to your son as you do... having said that it is not acceptable that he go home with scratches everyday. Ask her to be sure that the other children are well supervised when they are near your child. As for having things packed... you could talk to her about that aswell. They are probably both issues that can (and should) be resolved however if you are not happy with things then don't use her anymore.

  27. I have twins that are 19 months old and they are always getting scratches on their noses and ears from them scratching themselves so I wouldn't worry about that so much. I would ask your day care provider where the red mark came from that you mentioned in your article. That has me worried as a mother myself. And as far as your articles that you never got back I would ask her to find them or tell the provider she needs to replace them. Also look at how many children she is caring for. If it seems like she is tied down then I would find another caregiver. Hope this helps you.

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