
Would your heart be touched? I ventured from the porch to get photographs of fireworks.?

by  |  earlier

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I didn't bring my cane. A little boy(not more than 4 yrs old) from across the street (visiting with mother next door) began following me as I ventured further to get better photos. When I started back I began stumbling and he said "I can help you buddy do you want me to get your stick?". I said no and he then put his little arm around my waist and walked me to my porch! Could you as an adult reach out to your fellow man in such a way or do you try to reason not to?




  1. That is a touching story, I reach out everyday at the nursing home, even though my job is mostly in the kitchen I find time to hug and listen.

  2. not strong enough... u need more... power. It touched... but not to a high degree.. keep it up tho

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