
Would your husband buy tampons for you?

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Mine will not! He said he can't be seen buying girly things! I think it's c**p & if I needed him to buy me anything he should!




  1. That is too funny!  Why wouldn't he.  Mine has bought worse than that for me at the store.

    No different the toilet

  2. Yes, he has no problem with it, he practically raised his sister so he's used to "girly" things

  3. mine hasn't but I have never asked and I don't think I would.. why wait until the last minute to buy them??? when you run out get more .. I am sure that if I asked my hubby if he was going to the store would he pick them up he would but I feel like it is my responsibility

  4. My husband always does, I can't remember the last time I pick up my own box.  He's like "it's not like people are gonna think they are for me".  and he's right.

    How dumb, sounds like someone is insecure about his "manlyness" lol

  5. My husband does all the time.  Sounds like your husband is acting like a macho man.  

  6. Lol. Apparently, A lot of guys get creeped out, especially with the whole "feminine product" thing.

    My husband (of two weeks! but we've been dating for years) will buy me tampons, anything I ask him to.

    Now he might not necessarily enjoy it, but he does it regardless.

    Tell your husband to man up (maybe not like that lol) and do you a favor because your his wife and he should be willing to help you out.  

  7. Sure, mine would. He even buys sanitary napkins when I ask him to.

    Tell him it's a quick way for him to flirt with a girl in the counter. My husband does and the fact that the counter girl started the chat made him smile so wide. Men!

  8. Yep, he has, h**l I had surgery and needed an e***a, he even went and bought that...Oh lord sometimes it's almost embarrassing, we grocery shop together and he'll ask when we get to that department, mind you not in a whisper, "Hey babe you need any tampons?'  Your husband just has that manly concept, I know others like that, ask him what happens if you were sick and couldn't, and maybe lie and see if he does..Lol

  9. My boyfriend will go to the store and get tampons, pads, midol, heat pads, and whatever else. He will also help me to shave my legs when I am pregnant and straighten and curl my hair cuz it is really long. He is a very "macho" cholo kinda guy. So I feel sorry for you that your man can't get over himself to help you out :-(

  10. My ex had no problem with that.  He was a good guy on a lot of things.  Tell your husband to grow up.  Ayone that sees him buying tampons can tell from looking that they aren't for him.  

  11. ya know, i have had to buy my man athletes foot and jock itch stuf, so yea, i am sure he wouldnt mind grabing me some tampons or vagisil if i needed.. because he is a man, an real men arent afraid to do anything for their woman... i mean, the cashiers cant possibly think that the tampons are for him, so whats the big deal?!!!

  12. I would but have never been forced into the situation (as someone said, you know it happens EVERY month..its not difficult to keep supplies on hand).  

    As to why some are embarassed, well I imagine it is a self esteem issue (people are thinking others are judging / laughing at them).  It is kind of like if you need to go buy some Fiber powder, a laxative, rubbers, preparation H etc

  13. Mine has but complains too. When we were dating he would not buy condoms either. I had to. Kind of funny although at the time it annoyed me. He would pay for them just not buy them.  

  14. LoL...

    Mine does.. BUT everyone's different. When I was younger and first started getting my period I was MORTIFIED at the thought of buying such products... Soo embarrassing, or so I thought at the time~ and I'm a girl!

    Maybe with time he will become more comfortable doing these "girly" things for you.. but in the meantime i wouldn't push him too hard or make him feel too bad for not wanting to do this.. I'm sure there are lots of men like him..

  15. I don't understand what the big deal with buying feminine products is with men. I will buy them if I'm the one going to the store. No big's a fact of life, deal with it.

  16. I don't love doing it, but I will pick them up for her if needed.  99% of the time she does all the shopping, but I would get them for her if needed.  

  17. My husband has but complained about it the whole time.  He tells me you should stalk up on those things you know it happens every month lol.  

  18. I hope you don't mind me answering this question as a guy.  I recently went and bought my wife tampons and even asked a girl employee for some help.  It is easy for me to do but it didn't used to be.  The fact is that men don't like to be seen with that particular item and I'm not sure why it is but it has to do with being manly.  We think that maybe another guy would see us and we would look a little wimpy. Its kind of funny actually but don't be too hard on him.  It is just a man thing.  He will get over it when he gets a little older.  Good luck.

  19. Yes, my hubby would for me.  We have had this conversation and he doesn't have a problem with it at all, but I make sure that I always have them.  

  20. My boyfriend does. :) He's never complained. He's the sweetest.

  21. My husband will buy them for me if I need them.  He has bought them for me, he said it doesn't matter to him, he's not the one that has to use them.  I don't know why but its like some men get embarrassed that they have to buy them, so they wont.  

  22. Of course he would, I would just have to tell him what the brand is, and the color of the box. I think he could figure it out. Or, he would just call me while he's standing in the aisle so I could tell him what to get.

  23. I buy them for my wife (and have done since we met) but don't get embarassed very easily.

    Would you buy a por no magazine for him?? I know its not the same but on a scale a guy will probably feel similar embarassment.

  24. When my fiance & I first met, he said he's never bought any for girlfriends and he never will....that changed fast :)

    He'll go get me anything I need...pads, tampons, midol....and doesn't complain about it.

    Seriously, your husband is a married man....why should he be worried about what other people see him buying?? I do think it's a little strange he's more worried about self image than taking care of his wife :( But I'm sure he's not the only man that won't.

  25. We're not married yet, but we've been together for almost 4 years and he buys them all the time! There has been countless times when he stopped at the store for me to pick them up. He's never complained about them. He doesn't see it as a big deal.

    We actually know someone who has the same attitude as your husband about buying tampons. After hearing him, my boyfriend said to me that he doesn't get why guys have such an issue. It's not like anyone is going to think they're buying them for themselves. People will obviously know the guy is either buying them for his wife, girlfriend or daughter.

    I guess different guys have different opinions. I don't know why your husband has such a problem with it. He really shouldn't, it's just a natural part of life. Maybe you can show him some of these answers of guys who will buy them without an issue, and how that he sees it's no big deal. If he's really set in his mindset then there's no changing him. I guess you just accept it and make sure you always have some on hand so you never have to rely on him to buy them.


  26. My husband bought them for me before and now we have a daughter who uses them and he has bought them for her.  A real man does things for the women in his life regardless of embarassment because that is what you do for people you love.  Your hubby must have some issues with his own masculinity if he's afraid of being caught buying feminine products.

  27. I'm not married yet, but my boyfriend will absolutely NOT buy me tampons. He says the same thing as your husband, but some guys will buy tampons and some guys won't.

  28. Yes mine buys all sorts of things for me, including, underwear and pads. I don't know what your husband is going to do when you have a baby and  you are unable to go anywhere. He will HAVE to buy them, then!

  29. My boyfriend has bought me tampons before. :)  He's a very "macho" guy too. LOL

    It took alot of convincing though. lol :)

  30. Oh grow up and buy your own d**n mine wouldn't and I would not expect him to...even if I was flowing like a sound like a spoiled rotten child.....

  31. i have and still do.don't know what the big deal is. she needs them i get them for her no biggie.just like she'd get me anything needed .

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