
Would your parents let you do this?

by  |  earlier

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go upnorth for 9 days with your boyfirend and his FAMILY. not sleeping in the smae bed and plus with his parents in the same room. its 6 hours away. hes going up there to visit his family and to go fishing and theres a fair up there too. i REALLY wanna go but my stupid mom wont let me! i asked her like a thousand times. i cant be away from my boyfriend for that long cause we see eachother EVERYDAY. my mom doesnt care and i really dont like her. she said she doesnt even have a reason, its just NO.

wouldnt you be mad??

and do you think your parents would let you go?




  1. Don't call your mom stupid..she's looking out for you. 9 days is nothing. if you and your bf are that close, you will survive.  

  2. No, my parents wouldn't let me do that, either. And I'm thankful for it. Your mom cares about you and is doing the right thing. She wants what's best for you.

  3. my parents take my b/f away with us every time i go with them n we share the sme bed n sleep in different rooms, i spose it depends on ur age tbh

  4. My parents would probably let me go, but then again, I'm an adult, so I'd be more likely to tell my parents "Hey, I'm going on vacation with so-and-so's family, don't worry, his family will be sleeping in the same room as us." and they'd say "OK, make sure you take those days off for work."

    And, you have some serious relationship problems if you can't be away from your boyfriend for *gasp* nine whole days. You need time apart sometimes. Having to see him every single day is honestly really clingy and dependent.

  5. it may not seem like it, but she is just looking out for you [even if your boyfriend has slept over since the beginning of summer].

  6. As a parent I would not let my child go if she were under 18.  How well does your mom know this guy's parents?  If you are under age then your mom really doesn't need a reason as to why you can't go.  That's her rules obey them.

  7. it all depends on how old you are and how well your mother knows your bf family. if you were 15, l let you go  

  8. I am a parent and I wouldn't let my daughter go either.  Trust Mom on this one - she is doing the right thing.

    Good luck!

  9. Of course i'd be mad, haha.

    And no, my parents would never let me do something like that...and i'm almost 17!

    God, parents can be uptight.

  10. I would not let my daughter go. Their is a reason why she won't let you go even if she isn't telling you why. She shouldn't have to tell you and she's probably not telling you because you'll just freak out and through a fit to try and get what you want.

  11. I am 16 and my mom wouldn't let me go. I wouldn't be mad because I know she would be doing it because she doesn't want anything to happen. Of course I would be disappointed though. It might be good for you two to not see each other for a few days. I went away for 7 days (6 hours away) to see my family and the day after I came back, my boyfriend had planned a day of going out to eat and the movies and just hanging out. I think you should do that for when he comes back.  

  12. Depends how old you are. If you're under 18 then no.  

  13. Are you asking Uncle Ceeg?....ok, let me think for a

  14. Most important is how old are you.

  15. she is worried you will have s*x and end up pregnant and not succeed in life, parents are dumb

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