
Would your quality of life be changed without music?

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Or to phrase it differently, what value does music have in your life?




  1. if there was no music i would kill myself.

  2. I wouldn't be sane!

  3. You cannot get rid of music. It is everywhere, even unintentionally. It might be discordant and out of time, but there is music in the every breath of the world. As for the common concept of music, If there was no music I would sing, or clap, or tap my hands on a box (or alternatively, find some other sort of instrument). failing that, Humankind would find something to replace it eventually.

    for me music is emotions, an outlet for feelings, and when i go to a concert i love to stand and close my eyes and just feel the music. I firmly believe that there will always be music of a sort, even if we just have to listen a little harder to hear it.  

  4. If music dissapeared forever I would eventually stop wondering and lose all hope in everything, leading to me commiting suicide.

  5. music is my life, love listening to music of my choice. Walking the dog, driving the car, when i am down, when i am happy, to bring back good memories or make new ones. love my music, its part of me..

  6. It has great value.

    If Bach, Mozart, Vivaldi, Jazz music, World music didn't exist than I wouldn't be as diverse as I am.

    I probably wouldn't know some of the things I know because there wouldn't be anything else to motivate me to dig deeper into the history and there's much more to find than a biography on Mozart or a time era in which Jazz evolved.

    Music has culture.

    It teaches you about the people, it gives you a feeling, an idea, it tells a story, and it makes you wonder, think.

    It's there when you don't have time to stare or the attention span to listen, some things are even boring without it.

  7. It would be shallow for me to say "If there was no music, I would die or something like that." Music is an artistic expression that can affect a person in a multitude of ways. Without music, some people cannot get the extra edge they need or without music some people cannot remember that last kiss. Music is just one of many ways to express yourself also. Some are influenced by it and others are inspired. It depends on your feeling and attitude on whether what taste you choose to liberate yourself, express yourself, articulate yourself.

  8. Impossible concept. All noise is music of a sort, albeit freeform. Music cannot not exist. Ta-rah

  9. If I didn't have my music I would not be a complete person. I would be deeply affected by this and would probably cry!

  10. Music is a major part of my life and I would be kind of empty without it. Life would be boring without music

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