
Wouldn't John McCain and Sarah Palin make a great team that would reduce the fecal deficit in Washington?

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Wouldn't John McCain and Sarah Palin make a great team that would reduce the fecal deficit in Washington?




  1. A "fecal deficit" implies that there is not enough fecal matter in Washington!  

    Personally, I think a fecal deficit is exactly what we need!  More fecal deficit!

  2. naiive? No republicans spend more, give tax breaks, which leaves us with a weak dollar.

    Democrats raise taxes and set up a budget....

  3. yeah they would deffinately add more f***s to the white house! decrease that deficit! we need big steaming piles of **** in the white house NOW!!!. wait what?  

  4. I don't think so. I believe that the senator wants to continue the war and that means even more strain on the budget. I wish he was for ending the war and fixing the economy, as that would make me support him, but no...they are not the people to fix this mess, i'm sorry to say.

  5. No, the republicans used to be able to control spending but since Bush and the congress took over, spending is out of control. Mccain will be another Bush and grow the Federal Deficit

  6. To the contrary, the shades of brown would continue to deepen.

    What I'm having trouble with is how they keep talking about reform and ending corruption, when its their party that has been in power for the past eight years.

  7. Are you saying one of them looks constipated?

  8. yes and the Fiscal deficit as both are mavericks against bad spending.

  9. That reminds me of Darwin's sequel using the Republican Party as an example of evolutionary failure.  I believe it was called "Origin of the f***s."

  10. LOL!!

    Good one.

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