
Wouldn't Obama and McCain HAVE to lie if they get elected into office AS PRESIDENT (READ BELLOW FIRST)??

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Since they take and OATH to uphold the constitution and the amendments as soon as they go into office BUT when they were both in the senate they voted yes on the H.R. 3199 [109th]: USA PATRIOT Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 AS YOU CAN SEE IN THE LINK ABOVE which still allows warrant less searches through business records and your property WHICH IS CLEARLY against the 4th amendment which says they need a warrant first not maybe not kinda but that judges who are authorized need ato issue a warrant first. So Obama and McCain will have to lie when they go into office saying that they will uphold the constitution and amendments right? This is another example of what my father told me last night. Don't pay attention to what people say BUT WHAT THEY DO!! What a person says means nothing.




  1. It doesn't matter anyways. It's just a big charade. After Bush's administration the constitution is irrelevant, merely a historical document.

  2. The hew and cry over warrantless searches is unfounded.  Evidence and facts pertaining to the needs of homeland security must be present or no search is allowed.  You conveniently left that out; you also have forgotten that "NO" victim of this supposed violation of the 4th Amendment has managed to bring suit claiming such a violation exist - NONE - not one.  Imagine that.  

  3. If he (which ever "he" it may be) still try to enforce the USA PATRIOT Act after the U.S. Supreme Court throws it out for being unconstitutional, then they would be breaking their oath. But so far, several federal courts have ruled that the law is constitutional.

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