
Wouldn't a real republican support g*y marriage and abortion?

by Guest62477  |  earlier

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A real republican supports limited government and the ability to have the freedom of personal choice. So why do republicans basically not go for g*y marriage and abortion, its an oxymoron. How can you call yourself a republican but say that the government has the right to tell people who can live together and get a tax break or if a woman can get rid of an unborn fetus?




  1. You are seeking a Libertarian.  I don't mind them, but would still like to see someone step in fighting for them, like Obama.

  2. Because Republicans have been hi-jacked by neo-n***s that have turn their party into an extremist organization. They would rather waste millions of dollars fighting g*y marriage than investing it in the people of this country. I could name millions of things better to spend money on than fighting g*y marriage.

    BTW, not one n**i has ever explained to me how g*y marriage will affect their lives. Not one.

  3. Yes, but the GOP currently ignores the moderate Republican in favor of the religious right.

  4. Agreed.  I vote republican but like many people I am split on the issue (socially left and fiscally right.)  The problem is do I vote for the fiscal policy I want or the social policy?  Libs want big government in a socialist sense, whereas conservatives have that whole uber-religious group running around embarrassing the rest of us.

    I vote republican for the simple reason that Row Wade for example is a supreme court issue and out of the hands of the President anyways.  Also g*y marraige is turning out to be a state issue.  So basically I have to pick the lesser evil as I see it at the time.  What affects me most is the financial stuff and thats what the president actually does control, so I vote based on who I like on that issue.

    I hope and pray one day the libertarian party will rise above and take over one of our current options.  I would vote libertarian, but don't want to throw my vote away.

  5. Republicans don't give a rat's @ss who lives with who, we just don't want homosexual's strutting around telling the world they're married !  The operative word her is marriage, don't you get it?  Call it union, call it arrangement, call it melding, but don't call it marriage !  Republicans can care less about the tax issue, so get it right !

    We view what you refer to as an unborn fetus with a little more reverance.  This is a gift from God.  This is a child who needs our love not a scalpel cutting it's life away, so that  some selfish trailer trash isn't inconvenienced.  If you don't want this criticism, keep your pants up and legs crossed.

    How is it that liberals don't understand the objections of their folly !  You have completely managed to distort the reasons conservatives don't agree with these issues.  Are you all this confused over these arguments?  It isn't about you or if you're inconvenienced, these are moral issues !

  6. You're thinking libertarian.

    Republicans are against things like abortion and murder and drugs and want to keep them illegal.

    Libertarians are for legalizing drugs, prostitution, chaos in the streets and a gun in every household to defend yourself!

  7. That doesn't even make sense, republicans are against abortion and g*y marriage.

  8. You are extolling the philosophies of the libertarian party.  The religious right has had a huge part in morphing the Republican party into what it is now.  And they are most definitely against abortion and same s*x marriages

  9. because the bible forbids it. republicans are zealots in stupid disguises and comb overs.

  10. A Log Cabin Republican would support the g*y marriage, and there have been a few pro-choicers in the GOP herd.  Neither run the party though.

  11. d**n, woman. STAR FOR YOU.

    You are, of course, one hundred percent correct.

    Logical. Rational conclusion.

    Now stand by while you get REAMED.

  12. Yes but they are all n***s.They only want less government to do what they want to do but more to control you. Look at Cheney he is a drunk unfit parent and that is why his daughter is g*y because he lacks family values. The same goes with MCCain's running mate. How can she run the country when she can't control her daughter. They don't want welfare yet they set an example of teen preganancy is OK.  

  13. your user name suits you.

    in answer to your question....don't put all republicans into the same stereotype. Many of us do support these things and we still vote for McCain/Palin!!!

  14. g*y marriage, maybe, but abortion involves the life of another human being. We are the anti-slavery party, the party of women's suffrage, the party of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. We are for civil rights for ALL human beings, regardless of color, s*x, or stage of development.

  15. I don't know about real or unreal Republicans, but as the mother of a young child I am deeply concerned about the future of our country, and deeply troubled by the hypocrisy contained in the Republican platform, and the fact that at least some portion of American citizens seem comfortable with it.

    I don't understand how one can proclaim freedom to own and have guns in homes, but simultaneously seek to take from others the freedom to marry and choose what to do with their own bodies?  They seek - with straight face - to amend the Constitution - the foundational document of our liberties - to strip rights away from decent, law abiding citizens.  Our Constitution has never been amended to strip freedoms before, and if the Republican Party wishes to advocate such an atrocious action, they should simultaneously change the Pledge of Allegiance, for the nation they seek to create is certainly not one "with liberty and justice for all".

    The vocal, conservative wing of the party is comfortable advocating for an absolute ban on abortion, but I see none of them touting how many unwanted, abused and neglected children they have adopted and are supporting, or how much time and money they spend creating social programs to support low-income families for whom extra children can be an incredible hardship -- where is subsidized daycare, free, convenient parenting classes, strong social services, job programs, safe neighborhood initiatives??

    I wish, too, a Republican voter could explain to me what these "family values" are that they so cherish, and which they claim guide their election choices (think Ohio in the 2004 elections -- in exit polls Republican voters frequently cited "family values" as their chief concern in the election, but when asked what "family values" were, frequently could not articulate any).  Are intolerance and bigotry family values -- because advocating for anti-g*y legislation is nothing if not intolerant.  What about environmental stewardship?  Isn't protecting, preserving and defending our planet - the only home we have - a family value?  If so, why has the Republican administration been woefully and shamefully inadequate at doing anything to promote cleaner energy, less dependence on fossil fuels?  Why, in the face of overwhelming evidence to the contrary, did the Bush adminstration repeatedly deny even the existence of global warming? Why did the Bush administration relax environmental regulations and protections?  I've searched and researched, and time and again come up against one conclusion - failure to recognize the global climate crisis and reducing environmental protection measures is in the best interests of big business -- particularly coal and oil.  Is enriching your political contributors at the expense of the well-being of every living thing on the planet a family value?  How is invading Iraq, and trying to turn us into a nation of cowards a family value?  Even the Bush administration now admits that Iraq had nothing to do with 911 (that was the justification for invading Iraq - remember - they were responsible for 911), and that the "intelligence" they presented to Congress to get authorization for the invasion was one-sided and outweighed by other, more credible, evidence.  What about building silly fences and barricading off all of the public spaces in Washington that we as tax payers support but now can't set foot in?  I don't want to live in a country afraid of everything.  It seems to me a family value would have been looking at the real evidence of where Al-quaeda was working, and directing our attention there.  Acting in concert with our global partners, not marching around like a global patronizing bully.  To make our nation safer we need to restore our standing in the world - by working with other nations for world peace, not by working alone solely for our own best interests.  Isn't working together for peace a family value?  And I thought the Republicans were the party of fiscal responsibility, yet George Bush entered the White House with a balanced federal budget, and has turned us into a complete debtor nation with the greatest federal budget deficit in history.  Isn't it a family value to manage your money, not spend more than you have, not put your children's future financial stability in jeopardy?

    I want to raise my child in a tolerant nation, where diversity is celebrated, where every person's unique and particular talent and ability is respected, where there really is "liberty and justice for all" -- not a nation which attempts to bind all by the narrow, intolerant personal religious views of a few.  To my mind, personal issues -- like whom to marry and whether or not to have a child -- are personal, not political.  And the attempt to politicize such personal things only diminishes us as a nation.  I think truly great leaders who have worn the mantle of "republican", like Lincoln and Eisenhower, would be appalled at the initiatives the current Republican party proposes.

  16. Some Repubs do support these things.

    But, what strikes me most about your question is your attitude towards an innocent unborn baby.

    Quote quote: "...a woman can get rid of an unborn fetus?"

    "Get rid of" as in throw out the trash.

  17. Social conservatism gets in the way of what would otherwise be a fantastic theoretical party platform.

  18. Yeah, But once again Republican Hypocrisy is shown.

  19. g**s can have their own ceremony a pick their own name for that ceremony.  marriage is a term and institution that involves one man and one woman.  people have no problem with restricting underage marriage, plural marriage, incestuous marriage etc etc.

    an unborn baby is still a baby.  we have laws against child abuse, molestation, murder.  it's not okay to do any of those things because a child is not 'wanted'.  it's not okay to do those things because a child is 'unseen'.

  20. Yes.

    Unless you want the holy roller vote.

  21. Exactly!  The republican party is one big contradiction.  

    Limited government but tell me that I can be married if I a g*y and I have no right to abort a baby.

    Cut taxes-wage war

    Don't take my gun-but you can't visit your significant other in the hospital.  

    Should I go on?

  22. The 2004 Republican platform expressed support for the Federal Marriage Amendment to the United States Constitution to define marriage as exclusively between ONE MAN and ONE WOMAN

    A majority of the GOP's national and state candidates are pro-life and oppose abortion on religious or moral grounds, and favor faith-based initiatives. There are some exceptions, though, especially in the Northeast and Pacific Coast states. They are generally against affirmative action for women and minorities often describing it as a quota system, believing that it is not meritocratic and that is counter-productive socially by only further promoting discrimination.[21][22] Most of the GOP's membership favors capital punishment and stricter punishments as a means to prevent crime. Republicans in rural areas generally support gun ownership rights and oppose laws regulating guns, although Republicans in urban areas sometimes favor limited restrictions on the grounds that they are necessary to protect safety in large cities.

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