
Wouldn't be refreshing to hear hillary really cry out loud this time when she has to concede?

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the primary to a less experienced contender? Better hide the ashtrays, and get the restraints,and straight jackets ready Bill! Now if that was Chelsea, I'd cry, she really shed her ugly-duckling look, what? 27 now?




  1. You are truly a cocky red rooster.    Shame on you.      Chelsea is a wonderful person with great Beauty.     Being you like to hear someone cry out in defeat,  you sound really sadistic.      Don't forget one thing:     When you point one ugly finger at someone else, there are three ugly fingers pointing back at  you.

  2. If this is an example of why we should encourage young voters its not working.

    Get out of your basement, no ones pain is enjoyable to a normal person and this years loss could be next terms gain.

  3. She is a bad actress.

  4. How she remains the idol of the left is beyond me, she will betray any one of them or their group, if she justifies it so, to win. She has the type of ruthlessness that qualifies her as trouble-maker and war starter. Would you believe, she was a Goldwater girl? Sure,the good book says not to be gleeful of your enemies defeat, but I think God was refering to the enemies that do not know any different  or better, not the hardened heart rejectors of decency, that do know better, as Lucifer himself.

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