
Wouldn't bicycles be a great replacement for the automobiles?

by  |  earlier

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when you think about it, they are cleaner, compel you to exercise, and are just plain fun.

vehicular manslaughters will be drastically reduced.

collisions won't be as drastic or fatal.

i could go on for a while, but what do you think?




  1. speaking from experience, 6 mile rides in the snow in january suck. it is, however, doable. sounds romantic, even, til you get slushed by a navigator or a  hummer. i drive, but, the bikes liable to be making a return the way gas prices are going.

  2. I think taking bike rides are great when it's convenient and isn't a long trip. BUT, what about moms picking their kids up from school? "OK honey sit on the handle bars!" Or people who have to commute several miles, a bike would not be practical. Also for the elderly, handicapped...riding a bike would be pretty darn difficult. I think if people are able to ride a bike, they should do it more often, but it's not a practical solution to cars.

  3. bicycles would be a great replacement for cars, since everyone can get exercise and stuff, but I really can't imagine a street full of bikers every single day. think about it because say you have four people in your car. well instead of one car you would need four bicycles. and every family in america, well, that would be a lot of bikes. plus if you had to go to an interview or somethin you might be all sweaty and smelly.

  4. Absolutely! I couldn't agree with you more.

  5. i would love to ride a bike, but i highly doubt anyone but you and me would give up their cars for bikes. i mean they had bikes when cars were invented and i think people just wanted something faster. and in todays world, people have so much going on, i dont think that a family of 5 or 4 or whatever could all ride bike accross the state or to the soccer field in another town, people just dont care.

  6. Of course its a great alternative. It would be cleaner, and it does compel people to exercise. I live in a college town off campus, and everybody bikes. We have biking community, biking gangs, believe it or not, and heaps of non profit bike shops that you can go to and they will help you repair for cheap, or free, and even sells bikes. We even have a competition called slaughterama that occurs every year, which is an all biking competition weekend with games. Unfortuantly, we still need cars, obviously, to transport goods, and for far distances, unfortuantly public transportaiton just wont cut it for everybody's schedule.  So as nice as a utopia as it sounds, its just not possible, but it never hurts to keep trying to get people to bike as much as possible.

  7. Yeah, it's going to be fun pedaling my 3 daughters to school and daycare every day, then picking them up.  My wife's job involves visiting state agencies all over the state, it's not really practical to leave 3 days before her meeting and hauling all her equipment would make those hills so much fun, both climbing and rolling down the other side...

    Let's not even talk about northern states, where riding a bike in the winter would be life threatening.  Or southern states, where 100+ degree days make physical exertion hazardous to your health, not to mention you'd smell awesome as soon as you got to work in your sweaty business suit.

    I could go on for a while, but I 'm pretty sure you know what I think.

  8. all of it is true... but how would u travel when u have a family... but a gud idea... i luv ridin bike

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