
Wouldn't feminists promote equality by dressing like men in the workplace?

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Why don't women dress like this?

It would give them more

power in the workplace. Any thoughts?




  1. Wearing a pants suit wont make me any smarter than wearing a dress or skirt.

  2. Apparently you've bought into the absurd notion that equality means uniformity. Sad, sad, sad.

  3. I'm deeply disappointed at the lack of any quality in the questions here at Women's Studies now.

    There was a period of Republican payed trolls, getting rid of the women, by reporting everybody away, and interjecting so many women-hating questions, no women WOULD want to stick around,

    and now all that's left is an occasional woman hater that sneers up and asks some inane c**p designed to say women suck.

    And this is WOMENS STUDIES?

    I think we need to rename this category now.

    It should be called what it is--->the wanking sexless no-lifes categrory.

  4. Women dress for the position that they work in.  Power comes from ability and talent.

  5. You know, some women DO wear business suits.........

  6. Feminists are stupid.  Just like male chauvinists are stupid.

  7. There is more power in being attractive, and the best way for a Woman to be attractive is to dress like a Woman and attract the opposite s*x. In a way Women have gained some power this way. So my answer is because many Women are Women, not Men and are looking for husbands.

  8. By how? Tucking their nuts away.

  9. Exactly... women should dress like vampires (the picture).

  10. Quite frankly, I do not care what they wear as long as they dress professional and do not distract the rest of the team.

    Most business are in the business of making money, not making women dress like vampires :)

  11. No.  That doesn't even make any sense.  Why should women have to dress like a man just to be treated equally and get paid on the same scale?  This question almost irritates me.

  12. That is something completely different from what you're talking about.

    And no, I don't think it would. TRUE power lies in women being seen as EQUALS in the workplace, regardless of our differences. The differences should be a non-issue. We should not have to look like men to gain respect and power. And if it WERE necessary, what does that tell you about the balance of power in our culture?

    Is that Sigourney Weaver? It looks like her.

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