
Wouldn't invading the United States be quite difficult considering how many towns and roads we have?

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Wouldn't invading the United States be quite difficult considering how many towns and roads we have?




  1. i can not imagine the fear that an intruding paratroop squad of 100 men would feel knowing that they were going to touch down in florida ,or any other state of the U.S.A . as soon as the people realized that they were not of our military ,or an air show ,and trying to harm our families.       allot of people are well armed ,like your neighbors. that is why the Japanese stopped at pearl harbor.

  2. Yes, but it is more than that

    1) The Oceans, the united states has two massive bodies of water on each side of it.

    2) Advanced Military, compared to most of the world we have the best trained Military(maybe except for Isreal), there is only a few nations with standing military's that could challenge us.

    3)Communications, we have every communication channel known to man in the united states(Internet, Radio, Satellite, etc.), so you couldn't blind us.

    4) Allies, the United States is a sitting member of the UN and is a member of NATO, any attack would be demeed a agression against the entire NATO community and would spark a multinational armed response.

    5) Terrain, as well as the oceans the US has virtually every climate and terrain known to man from the high altitude of the Rocky Mountains to the Florida Swamp lands to Great Plains, the United states is also a realitivly large country.

    6) Armed Civilians, Many americans are proficent in weapons and weapons usage, so even defeating the US Army and Marines also means you must fight FBI and other law enforcement agencies, and even after them you must fight a armed populace.

    7) Espionage, The United States has one of the broadest reaching espoinage networks in the world with everything for CIA agents to NASA spy satellites, if you plan to move a large contingent of Military against the US, then they will know about it.

    8) No Staging Area, if you look at a world map the only pro-foriegn power country in the western hemisphere is Cuba, and we have a military base there, so any power attempting to attack would have to stage in their own nation and by Naval power push a land army across the ocean.

    9) Multiple Large Cities, unlike most of the world whose countries have one or two main cities and one or two costal port cities, the US has many cities where leadership is located and even if a country was to capture one the leadership could be moved to another.

    10) Team Unity, the US citizenship seems to like to fight with each other for no apparent reason, but when backed against the wall like WWII or 9/11 we unify intensly.

    11) Road System, The Eishenhower interstate system was crafted for a soviet invasion, it is made for a quick Military trasportation, and is still here today.

    12) Private industry, back during WWII Detriot pumped out Miltiary equipment(Jeeps and Tanks) like clockwork, and it still can. But besides that, Their are a number of civilian SUV's that are nearly Military grade(H2 comes to mind).

  3. yup

    and like the guy said, they have to face the greatest airforce and navy. and when they do step foot on our soil. they will be face and face with the army and marines, let alone us with our guns. thanks to our 2nd amendment

  4. If they could actually make it here successfully without being shot down or seized by the Coast Guard and Navy, they'd have a difficult time, especially in states with pro-gun laws. In addition, we're a nation of war veterans and citizens who, with the right to own guns, will contribute to protecting our land.

    I would conclude, yes it would be difficult considering modern technology and military capabilities. Of course, if it did happen, it would probably hit us hard.

  5. It's the guns, we have guns. Any invading army would go against an armed populace.  I have 3 guns in my house and can fire them all. And yes, I would die protecting my home and my country.

    Facing guns in every little town, and many big cities, most countries dont have them.

  6. considering that every city in america has certain "sides" of town populated by mostly armed gang members which are essentially small army's of their own, and they fight every day for land, you've got the police, city, state, county, fed etc etc  which are highly trained and heavily armed, then you have your gun enthusiasts who are heavily armed and know how to shoot probably better than most military and police, finally you have gun owners who keep the old 22 or 45 in the closet for home protection, all of these combined is one h**l of a deterrent for any foreign government or guerrilla army to wanna f#ck with.

    and that's just the civilian population not even including the military.

    "we didn't climb to the top of the food chain by eating carrots."

  7. Inorder to invade the Unites States you would need a massive coalition of troops to do so.

    The USA also has several advantages:

    1) We have 2 massive bodies of water between us and any major attacker.

    2) The USA is massive, 3000 miles east to west and about 1800 miles north to south and some 6,000,000 sq miles in size.  Also the USA is very spread out, in order to invade you have have to attack from multiple fronts all at once, such as from the Atlantic, Pacific, Gulf of Mexico, and through Canada.  Otherwise troops from one side of the nation would be sent to reinfore the battlefronts.

    3) The USA is one of the few nations in the world to have every terrian type contained within its borders. This causes a nightmare when fighting cause of terrian advantages. If you attack the west coast first you then have to cross the Sierra, Coastal, and Rocky mountain ranges to name a few. After that you have the great plains which a 1000 mile area with no cover. Then you have more mountains on the east coast. Throw in there forests, deserts, the different climates of the USA and you got a mess on your hands.

    4) The US interstate system, sometimes know as the Eisenhower Interstate System was designed for just that a military invasion of the USA.  It was designed to get troops to any point in the USA in 3 days.  Of course it does have it everyday use, but one of the design perimaters was national defense..

    5) Also take into consideration that the USA is part of NATO. While this treaty was created to prevent a Soviet invasion during the cold war I think many of the nations would come to our aid in a situation where we were attacked unprovokedly.

    Also inorder to invade you have to get to us unnoticed which is difficult given our defense network.  Between our satilites, Navy, and intelligence we would probably notice a major military force coming our way.

    Also inorder to conquer the USA you have to take all the major cities and Capital of which the USA has about 75 cities of over 300,000 people.  Thats a big number.  A nation may choose to nuke selective cities but in return the USA would do the same and remember you don't know were our nuclear subs are that each have over 175 warheads on each one, thats a whole lot of targets.

    lastly as previous posters have said, even without the military the USA is armed to the teeth with its civilians.  Most of us that are able would stand up and attack an aggressor.

  8. Also that they'd face the most advanced Navy and Air Force before they even set foot on American soil.

  9. Not really, the major cities go down and we are toast.

  10. A war in the United States would most like be a nuclear attack.  Roads wouldn't be a factor, both sides would have the same advantage.  Foreign enemies would have the advantage in "blue" states because the democrats would be supporting the invaders.  Thats why the democrats are against the 2nd Amendment and want to ban guns and would like to elect a muslim with communist ties.

    Quite a lot of us are combat trained and would fight for our country, while the democrats, who are much like the french, would wave frilly white surrender hankies and help the invaders!

  11. Yes, for several of the reasons mentioned above.  However, don't forget the vast majority of the population is well armed thanks to the 2nd amendment.  I myself have my own private arsenal that I keep securely under lock and key.  I also have the ammo for all of it.  If the proverbial c**p hits the fan, I'm ready.  I have the proper training and education to use my fire arms.  Training and education is the first part of being a responsible firearms owner, I just wish more people would see (and do) that.

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