
Wouldn't it be GREAT if people like Al Gore got a real job and stayed out of our lives?

by Guest66022  |  earlier

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Wouldn't it be GREAT if people like Al Gore got a real job and stayed out of our lives?




  1. OMG! YES!!!!! So tired of hearing about him... at this point i'd rather hear more about Paris Hilton and thats sad.

  2. Oh h**l yes.  That fat a s s still owes a friend of mine money for a service he did when he was running for president.  The bill was just a little over $300 but Gore didn't pay the bill and all my friend got is a d**n photo of Gore standing with my friend's business in the background.

  3. Raising awareness about the environment on such a large scale is probably more important and much more of a real job than you could ever hope to ascertain.

  4. why? So oil companies can continue censoring scientists and ripping us off?

    We are stuck with a system in which special interests dictate America's energy policy.  And what doe s the average American get out of it? High gas and energy prices because the oil companies keep us dependent o n foreign oil and block better technology from reaching the market.

    Never mind the global warming, if you want.  Why do you want to continue to pay thousands of dolllars of your hard-earned money to the oil and coal companies every year for nothing?  We could have fuel-efficient cars and cheaper electricity--the technology to do that has been around fo ryears.

    It s your money--and the  best friends you--and every other American consumer--has when it comes to energy are people like Al Gore--because they're the ones with the guts to challenge the special interests.

  5. That's be fine, but Gore doesn't know how to work a real job anymore, if he ever did.  So, I fear that he will continue to make powerpoint presentations and make money off of college students.

  6. he has a real job with the movie industry

  7. h**l YES!

    And take Hitlarry and O(b)sama with him.

  8. Since our government is the second largest employer in the nation, career politician is a real job, unfortunately.

  9. In all frankness, I believe Mr. Gorre is trying to spearhead, in a sense, a state of awareness where we try to save our planet, though all our trys will be in vain. I am writing a book on the subject, entitled "From Sea To Land To Sea: Visions of The Future"

  10. How exactly is Al Gore in your life? He holds no position in our government. If you are tired of hearing about him change the channel.

  11. He did! That's how we got stuck with the screwed up Bush dynasty!

  12. No body would hire that fat idiot , Al Gore.

  13. No. It would suck. My fries would be burnt, my burger would be tofu and he'd probably tell me how evil I am for driving a car and causing the polar ice caps to melt(as he drives off in his own gas guzzler) No, I prefer him on tv where its easy enough to change the channel or hit the mute button. Plus, I don't go to jail for hurling things at his image on tv.

  14. He doesn't need a job. He made billions from his internet invention.

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