
Wouldn't it be good to assume...?

by Guest56364  |  earlier

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that Diana is alive and well (like Elvis) and living her life as she wanted to? I like to think she is and is having the last laugh on everyone that wronged her. Her son's know she is somewhere and respect what she has done. Who would blame her?




  1. Yes i suppose it would,along the same lines that i would hope a departed member of my family was still alive.It is not the case though and we all have to accept this.It has been 10 years now since her death and i think the media should just leave the story alone and stop causing grief to William&Harry.

  2. This would be fine except wouldn't it be one of the most horrible things you could do to all the people who mourned for you?

    Just think of all the pain everyone who cares about you would go through if you did the same, I doubt you could sit back and watch them while 'having the last laugh'....

    That said, the Diana case is an exception, people really over-reacted to it, it was a shame she died but so many people did so much more than her and didn't get the attention she got, Mother Teresa for example...

  3. Maybe, but assumeing makes an *** out of U and ME.

  4. here's the thing, weither she(or indeed Elvis)'s alive or not, it's good to assume that they're somewhere (in the after life or not) living their lives the way they wanted to, being respected for what she(and in Elvis' case he) has done.

  5. assume away if you feel that way,you are not hurting anybody with your thoughts.

  6. Yes that would be nice.

  7. Please, get a life and let the woman have some peace in death!

  8. Theoretically your question is like all other "conspiracy theory's"  Would it be good , I do not think so as if you were there during those first few weeks you would have to consider the amount of pain most went through.  I doubt her highness would go along with anything that creates that much pain around the world, considering all that she did to end suffering your theory she would create suffering has no merit

  9. No, it wouldn't be good, it's  better to be rid of the carping, trouble making harpy !

  10. I wouldn't in the least, but sadly i think the chances of that happening are pretty remote, perhaps she's in heaven looking down and wondering what all the fuss was about!

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