
Wouldn't it be great if all states had an environmental school program like these?

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If the choice were available in your area, would you enroll your child in this kind of program? If cost was a factor and scholarships were available, would you utilize that to make it work for you?




  1. If I had children, I would certainly love to send them to a school like that.  People do need education on the environment.  At my school we have an AP environmental science class, and I am glad of it.  But the class is only offered every other year because not many people are interesting in taking it.  This last year when I was in the class only 15 people were in it.  I think that the class helped those of us who were in it to learn about the environment, but I think all schools should have environmental classes that aren't necessarily AP classes, so more people can take them.

  2. I like the school uniforms, but I am not a proponent of specialty education. I would rather see us go back and look at our education system 100 years ago.  My grandfather only had a 8th grade education and was forced into the workforce. The thing is is education was better then a BS or MS by today's standards.  He was a pragmatic man and was capable of doing many things.  Today we are more into philosophy and indoctrination and the students I have worked within the business world do not have basic skills.  One example when In worked in a pallet manufacturing plant it was amazing the number of graduates that could not read a tape measure let alone add and subtract fraction to determine reasonable tolerances. Young people are graduating and cannot balance a check book, they have no understanding of budgets and have limited mathematical skills.  We need to ensure the get a practical education, by the way when I was in a small grade school we did learn about the environment it was taught in earth science and had no liberal or conservative agenda.  I say lets educate not indoctrinate.

  3. Absolutely not.  All of the youth in our family (eight, so far) are home schooled, precisely for the purpose of giving them a superior education in the areas of math, science, English, history, and critical thought.  Our nation's Public Schools are not an option for conscientious parents, because there is no longer a mission to teach, only to propagandize and instill PC attitudes.   "Environmental school programs" only help to make the point.

  4. No... Kids need to be taught economics basics instead of this c**p.

    Then maybe we would have a functioning economy and we wouldn't have a sub-prime mortgage crisis...

  5. If I had a kid - absolutely.  As is evident by the answers on this forum, far too many people are completely uneducated on environmental issues.

  6. my school's program is "here is the chainsaw, there is the tree have at it."

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