
Wouldn't it be more effective if, instead of voting for President, they have a 'Survivor' type t.v. series....

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and the candidate who brings back the head of Osama Bin Laden on a silver platter wins?




  1. You don't want a President. You want Dog, the Bounty Hunter.

    Yeah, I want HIM as leader of the Free World!?

  2. UN LESS HE HIMSELF BECOMES Osama Bin Laden ll

  3. Heck yeah, and that would be one show I would watch.

  4. No, because it doesn't mean they are qualified to be the leader of one of the most powerful countries on Earth. Also the whole point of a democracy is that the people rule and get to decide who represents and governs them.

  5. I'd watch that but god knows all the wussy candidates would be conspiring to vote everyone else off and clinton and obama would be taking all the cheap shots and trying to crawl to the top... I can see it now. haha just look at what they're already trying to do to each other just put them together on a deserted island and let them have at each other, lol.

    anyways that would definately be a must see, I'd love it.

    with luck they'd all kill each other off and America would be safe for another day or so.

  6. No.  That's one of the stupidest things I've ever heard.

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