
Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could really go back?

by Guest65813  |  earlier

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I am hereby officially tendering my resignation as an adult. I have decided I would like to accept the responsibilities of an 8 year-old. Because:

...... I would like to go to Mr. Singh's parlour to buy an iceblock, 5 cents tambran, and a coke and get change from 25cents.

...... I want my face to be messed up with chilibibbi.

...... I want to go to KFC or Royal Castle and think that it's a four star restaurant.

...... I want to sail sticks down the drain; ride a canal cart and play with my friends in the school yard.

...... I would like to sit down and watch them play cricket and football in the road.

...... I want to think M&Ms are better than money because you can eat them.

...... I want to lie under a big tree or run about all day playing and then at the end of the day go home to get buff for smelling like play.

...... I want to return to a time when life was simple - when all you knew were colors, multiplication tables, and nursery rhymes. But that didn't bother you, because you didn't know what you didn't know and you didn't care.

..... All you knew was to be happy because you were blissfully unaware of all the things that should make you worried or upset.

...... I want to think the world is fair. That everyone is honest and good.

...... I want to believe that anything is possible. I want to be oblivious to the complexities of life and be overly excited by the little things again.

...... I want to live simple again. I don't want my day to consist of computer crashes; mountains of paperwork; depressing news; how to survive more days in the month than there is money in the bank; doctor bills; gossip; illness, and loss of loved ones.

...... I want to believe in the power of smiles, hugs, a kind word, truth, justice, peace, dreams, the imagination, mankind, digging for chip-chip and making castles on the sand at the beach.

So... you can have my checkbook and my car-keys; my credit card bills and my 401K statements. I am officially resigning from adulthood.

And if you want to discuss this further, you'll have to catch me first, cause.......tag! You're it!




  1. if only eh girl...

    i wish i cud go back to dem days...

    now  8 year olds these days studying who have the better cell phone!.

    but for sure, we do have all our memories....



  2. you making me feel young...whats an ice block? I only know snow cone

    but yes I agree with you on your wish... only one problem...

    when I was 8 I could not have s*x ...did not know it existed.

  3. ashti i like how you talk about milk and sugar

  4. hey wen u'll go back plz take m wid u

  5. come girl hold meh hand let we go back dong dat road. yuh have marbles ? and ah want help to make ah kite too


  6. Oh the innocence of being a child!

  7. Me ain't have a clue wha yuh talking 'bout, 'cause I still dey in them days. I never, ever, never growing up cause I always want to be a Sports & Games kid......

  8. Me too, me too. I want tuh me 8 too.

    We go play ah nice game ah dolly cook. Get some flowers and some seeds tuh cook, ah pack ah kool Aid go be enough if we use plenty water. Oh somebody go bring ah dolly, dat is we chile.

    Ah go see if I could tief some condesnsed milk and sugar in ah piece ah brown paper tuh l**k while we cooking.

  9. oh gorm girl

    tak me back wid yuh

    tek meh back wid yuh

    i wanna go back


    i eh wah do no essays assignments and exams

    tek meh back wid yuh

  10. LOL! Girl it's funny you put this up. My youngest is 8 years old today!

    I know he thinks area and perimeter were invented by the devil himself and a tragedy is if it's raining and he can't go out to play. He thinks that most people are basically good and helpful and can't understand why we won't let him befriend them. McDonald's is still the best restaurant in existence, and Smurfs and the Flintstones are really cool 'new cartoons'.

    But at the same time, he knows what global warming is. He knows why we should recycle and conserve energy. He knows that are bad people who will do bad things to you. He knows that there are children in the world being sold into slavery, are being forced to join illegal armies, and are dying of diseases. He knows what smoking and dugs will do to you and he knows where babies come from.

    So for my part...yeah take me back to my 8 year old days, but I want to take him back to his 3 year old days!


    Thanks eh Julien & Re$h!! He had a great day.

  11. hear nah, we have ah time out pole?  that is where i will be, cause you could never feel you leaving me in adulthood while you playing in d road....nah man, that was the best part of childhood - football and cricket in d middle of the road, ball in d dutty drain (lol) and meh grandmother quarrelling bout all d boys that we insist that we have to play with.... ah mean what is 20 boys and only 4 girls?


    boy 8 years old. ah will even take the cut @r$e ah get for playing hide and seek with dem boys in d bull grass.....just because it was an abandoned savannah next to ah big canal and coulda have scorpion and snake and all the boys was at least 12 and some were as old as 18....wha dat saying to we.

    (is only when yuh think back on it yuh does realise ALL tha coulda happen eh) lol

  12. If only baby that was possible,you'd have to catch me because I'd be first in line....Sometimes I feel the same way,longing for a simplier time. a time when you could leave your door unlock, when you couldn't say darm in front of a grown ups, regardless if you knew them or not.A time when I couldn't wait for August holidays so I could go down La Brea for the 2 months because I like the boy next door and I can't wait to see him and blush..ah yes, I could go on and on but let me stop because you have me feeling for a cold glass a mauby and a bellyful right

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