
Wouldn't it make more sense if they served Steak at the Eucharist? ?

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Steak as his body and wine as his blood. that makes sense. nut when it is wine and bread(or sawdust/cardboard) i begin to wonder

Was Jesus a cardboard cutout?

Was he made of Paper?

Was he g*y?




  1. Don't think there was much steak around at the last supper. So, bread was used symbolically, as bread is the staple food for most of the poor. The rest of your question is kinda silly, really [ are you a g*y cardboard cutout? ].

  2. Of course, it doesn't make sense. Jesus was born a Jew and followed the rituals of His culture.  The supper they were partaking was the Jewish passover meal where the food served reflected a historical God experience of their people, the unleavened bread, wine and bitter herbs - all reflective of the hurried meal the escaping Jews had to undergo in order to escape the clutches of slavery in Egypt.  The occasion was not your normal feel-good anything goes stag party where you can suggest the menu and cater to your basest desires.

    Your suggestion is sadly reflective of Western callousness in imposing  secular values in non-Western countries, the very attitude that turned off so many outsiders and set the stage for that horrible 11th day of September seven years ago.

  3. Actually, pork would make more sense, cause that's what cannibals say people taste like, but its not kosher, so I'd say chicken, since it tastes like everything.

    For a more serious answer, using bread to represent the body of a slain man-deity was quite common in the mystery cults that were popular before and during the time of Christ.  Wheat is a symbol for sacrifice, since the old crop must be cut down before a new crop can be planted.  For more info on ancient mystery cults and their similarities and influences on Christianity, see "The Jesus Mysteries: Was the "Original Jesus" a Pagan God?" by Timothy Freke  and Peter Gandy.

  4. It would make more sense, yes; and likely attract more people to the church.  But it would also be expensive, and not a lot of people want to tithe that much.

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