
Wouldn't life be better if everyone was in the same social class and money didn't matter?

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Wouldn't life be better if everyone was in the same social class and money didn't matter?




  1. Probably, but it's never going to happen.  Human beings all have two innate attributes that make it impossible.  The first is ambition, and the second is selfishness.  We all have varying degrees of each, but the combination of the two makes some people want to be "better" than others and it also makes some people want to have "more" whatever -- money, things, authority, power -- than others.  You'll never see a human society where ALL people are selfless to the point where they only want what's best for everyone.  There will always be those who want for themselves, and the unfortunate reality is many of those people seem to find ways of getting into power.  Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini, Fidel Castro, Pol Pot, Mao Tse Tung, Josef Stalin, Saddam Hussein...the list from history goes on and on.

  2. Even when i weigh the doubts in my mind i still say Yes.

    However the economic class is what defines our social class in reality, so perhaps by simply dealing with the negative we can acheive the positive.

    @ all the people complaining about individuality - You're not being very individual.

  3. Well, in my opinion, we are on this planet to learn.  What would we learn if we were all the same, even down to gender and race?

  4. This depends upon what the "purpose" of life is, does it not?

    If, as is actually the case, life exists  for the Soul to fully and completely explore and experience the entire Creation, how would eliminating this opportunity by removing all the variations of life be helpful to fulfilling the "purpose" of Life?

    Seeking to eliminate "difference", as the liberal-type personality syndrome individual seeks to do [due to fear of exercising "personal responsibility" or an intense "inner energy"  needed  to compete in Life], would interfere with the "purpose" of Life.  So in America there is a constant battle between those who fear life, and those who want to compete so as to advance in their Spiritual evolution and get on with the job of Life.... eventually winning the opportunity of going Home.

    Those who fear facing life, and just want to get along with those who have dedicated themselves to our extinction are winning the battle it seems.  Considering what the prospects of the Presidential election this year looks like by way of options,  we may be looking at the demise of the United States of America... as those who fear life seem to now outnumber those who are willing to fight for Life.


  5. only if everyone earned it... and were equals to each other. That is not the case... so it's not an option.

  6. No.  Everyone is created equal.  They do not remain so throughout their lives.  Some people work harder than others, some become or are more skilled.   If we ignore those differences in favor of a system that lacks rewards we wouldn't have great works of art or advances in technology.

  7. Ask citizens of the former Soviet Union! Didn't work out so well!

  8. Maybe when robots can do everything for us.

    Otherwise I don't see how it would be possible.

  9. I do not think it will work but it is a good theory but it is too easy to abuse. I believe everyone needs to work for their money if they are able to work and others who are sick or old need help

  10. That would mean everyone would have to work equally for what they had....communism works in theory, but not so great in practice. Not everyone is willing to put forth the same amount of effort as everyone else, to have what they have....therefore it's not fair to reward everyone equally when some worked quite hard and others not at all.

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