
Wouldn't the Brits prefer to use the Euro instead of the British Pound?

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it would be a whole lot easier, for both the Brits and other Europeans. A lot of Europeans didn't like to give up their old money either, but at the end it does makes things easier (when travelling and for payments abroad..)

Is there chance you will soon change to the Euro, or would you Brits rather stick to the Pounds?




  1. NO NO NO NO NO! The Pound MUST Stay, it enables us to keep in control of SOMETHING! Stupid EU

  2. well, the british did not convert to using the british pounds because even at its strongest, the pound is quite comparable to the euro. in some cases, they british pound yields more value than the euro. besides, the brits have always felt a little superior to other euros and want to continue using their own currency as a way to say we're still our own country.

  3. Sterling is one of the most strongest currencies in the world. When the Euro was introduced in other countries, prices of food and cosmetics went up alot. I like the Sterling because it shows the United Kingdom for one of the most powerful countries within Europe. Alot of European currencies were weak, such as the German Deutschmark (not weak in the sense that people didn't like it). For example: You could buy a loaf of bread for around 5DM, but with the introduction of the Euro it is less (although, if transfered into Deutschmark it would be a little bit more that the 5DM).

    I don't see a need for change, it's easy to go to your local travel agents or post office to get some Euros! It's fast and usually the exchange rates are pretty good!

    Prince Charles is a HUGE fan of the Euro and as he (If he is still alive) will be the next King of England meaning that sometime, I think the UK will be making the change with the influence of Charles.

  4. I've lost track of the number of times the Bank of England has changed interest rates to suit the British economy since the Euro-zone was instituted.

    It's difficult enough finding one compromise rate to suit inflation vs business, north UK  vs south UK...

    If we were in the Euro, we'd just be "along for the ride" with whatever single interest rate was "best fit" for Europe. However bad a fit it was for the UK.

    The advantages of that vastly outweigh making things marginally easier for tourists.

    Are pre-loaded foreign currency or ordinary credit cards really that difficult?

  5. Why should they? I would not want to use the euro.

    Our currency is part of our national identity, if you subjugate that then you lose a part of what makes your country uniquely yours.

    But, why not, they have already signed over control of their borders to the they really have lost their sovereignty.

  6. Absolutely not...just ask the Cypriots and the Maltese how much goods in their shops have risen in price since the introduction of the Euro to their countries on 1st January this year.  They are being shafted exactly the same way that we were when decimilisation was forced on us back in the seventies, and I see no need for us to get shafted by the EU again.


    Well said sentiments exactly!

  7. i'm british and i think we should stick wiht the pound. it's better for us to have our own independent economy. (And Euros look like monopoly money.)

  8. Nope I like the money we have thanks

  9. When will you people understand?  We are not europeans, we are British, and the euro is foreign currency.

    We signed on to a free trade agreement, not the  political entity that the juggernaut known as the EU has become.

  10. I can see why Britain would rather stick to the Pound, (I don´t think it´s just about national identity, but also largely because the Pound is such a "strong" currency) but I think that, being member of the EU, it should switch to the Euro, just like most of the other countries did (not just Britain, obviously- so should Norway etc.)

    just my opinion...

  11. i would never want to give up the pound sterling

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