
Wouldn't the media be up in arms if a white man threatened to castrate Obama?

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Wouldn't the media be up in arms if a white man threatened to castrate Obama?




  1. Undeniably the media would be up in arms in that case.  I am amazed that the mainstream media are largely ignoring this.

  2. No, this isn't really news at all. It is an empty threat that won't change much. Maybe if the world was perfect that might be news. But today as US embassy was attacked by gunmen, several soldiers died in Iraq and Afghanistan, China owns 24% of the US treasury etc etc. The fact that some guy says he wants to castrate Obama isn't going to swing my vote. What we should be debating on the news is policy, like the environment and taxes. Not this ludicrousness. The leader of the Taliban once said he would behead and crucify Stephen HArper (Pm of Canada). That wasn't really news, it is jus the ramblings of some guy.

  3. They are up in arms... I've seen it reported on three different channels.  Haters will never be happy.

  4. The secret service would have carted that white man away and waterboarded ( don't think the Dems wouldn't do anything to protect their man) him in secret until the poor guy gave up his 40 year old pocket knife and all of his kitchenware.

  5. Um...have you watched the news?  The media IS up in arms!

  6. Yeah... I heard Al Sharpton being interviewed about this last night. And someone brought up Imus' "Nappy-headed ho'" comment. Sharpton tried to make out that there was no comparison, because this was an off-camera comment not meant for public dispersal. I mean... if it is wrong... it's wrong. There is definitely a double standard that depends on WHO says it... rather than what and where it is said.

  7. yes.  It would also support Obama's stance on stricter penalties for hate crimes.  After all, lets not move past race, lets encourage the differences.  Idiots.

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