
Wouldn't this make you mad?

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Ok here is the deal, I am still in training to be a 911 dispatcher. I am so pissed right now. It seems like every little thing I say or do is wrong. It seems to me they are focusing on the littlest stuff. I don't mind constructive crticisim. Anyway if I do the slightest thing wrong I here about it. My god the rest of these morons do something wrong it's like oh it's no big deal. Heck half of em don't follow procedure correctly anyway. I am about reay to explode.




  1. Phone ACAS and tell on them.

  2. I tend to agree with Immantis.  You've got to change you're attitude.  You're the newbie, not them.  Take some deep breaths, calm yourself, suck it up, and go back in with a positive attitude.  Try to ask constructive questions on how you can improve.  When you're criticized, ask for an example of how you can improve.  You're going to make yourself miserable, if you can't get a better attitude going.

    Re-think your perception and be positive.  Your job will be stressful.  Is this what you want?  You will be doing a much needed service to the public.  Are you ready for it?  I hope so.

    A lot of this may be nerves from starting a new job.  Good luck.  I hope you make the cut.

  3.   You are in training others around you may know what rules can be bent.  

      But you as a trainee are calling the people with more experience and that are training you moron's.

      Maybe the people training you see that you may be smart but you do not have the right attitude for being a 911 dispatcher.

       Your problem may be in the mirror not at work.

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