
Wouldn't you agree that Yahoo! Answers really needs to make a seperate "Field Hockey" category?

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I always feel bad for these poor high school girls that are asking legitimate questions, but they get flamed by a buncha beer-swilling hockey fans.




  1. People who talk about ice hockey on this site should have their accounts deleted

  2. Lets ask Yahoo for two new sections. One called Ice hockey and one called Lacrosse. That way every one will be happy.

  3. How about people stop freaking out here.

    It doesn't say "ice" hockey so quit being idiotic. As long as people can act their age from both sides, it should be fine. But somehow thats hard for people on the internet to understand.

    EDIT: Huh? It says hockey here too, What are you trying to say?

  4. meh i find it breaks up the monotony of "WhO WiLL wiN tHe StAnLeY CuP????!" questions

  5. I have written customer care about it several times, but you see where that's gone. I think if handball has a section then field hockey merits one, too. For the record, I do not "swill" my beer. I wouldn't waste good Labatt that way!

  6. no one cares they should post in other sports

  7. It would be nice - to discuss the sport they have to trawl through a lot of 'our' stuff.

    I wrote to customer care this morning, as I noticed that my 'crafts and hobbies' question was getting lost in a big mixture of activities, so I suggested  subcategories.  No idea if it will work, but it's worth suggesting.  Pity there are a lot of sports unrepresented there.  I'm thankful that ICE hockey is represented!

  8. They have one in the female section

  9. I agree.It would be nice if they made a field hockey section.

  10. I agree with you, there needs to be a "field hockey" section. There are alot of questions and everyone has to make a stupid remark.

  11. Good luck.

    I've been after them to change World Cup 2006 to 2010, to create a MLS category, to add one for field hockey, and to simply correct their mistake where it says "Your report matter."

    One letter. We're talking about ONE letter!

  12. Yes They should and Lacrosse should also have it's won section as well

  13. Field Hockey .. you'll catch me drinking a Lone Star (those of ya'll in the south know how disgusting that is) out of a can before I play field hockey .. there SHOULD be a lacrosse section though. On that note, why do some of you put down roller hockey related questions so much? I prefer ice hockey sure, but played a lot of roller hockey in California and it helped me stay in touch with the game until we had an ice rink in my town.

    True that Tom, but I think most North Americans who follow ice hockey can immediately make the distinction between ice/roller and field hockey.

  14. Lacrosse should have its own category, too!

  15. I really don't like the name of your avatar...

    Yes,there should be a separate category for both Ice Hockey and Field Hockey.

  16. YES and that is true about lacrosse it is the second best sport to hockey

  17. i agree but we end up turning some of them into puck bunnies cause they like the ruggedness.

    Hey bull riding is gone we can put it there....and wtf is snooker? A hooker with a cold?

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