
Wouldn't you feel better about B. Hussein Obama if Iran condemned him too?

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  1. ..."B.H.O." is just another "ignorant" kid wearing "pants" a bit to big for him...  and frankly, I don't give a rats azz what Iran thinks about anything.

  2. Well, I haven't seen any flip flaping person like BH Obama! (after Hillary of course!) he is just changing his views!

    He will reach a stage that Iran will condemn him as well!!!:)

  3. I am not a fan of his, but the way you write his name demonstrates a prejudice which should not be tolerated or accepted.

  4. What do you expect in a country that is going bankrupt

    .. . ..

    No one of any good reputation is wanting to run for the office of president

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    They are luck they got these two people to run for the office and if that woman would of got the office

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    Wow talk about the fall of another  country

    Russia first out the door bankrupt

    America is running for the exit door too Foreclosed upon all IOU's have been called in to be paid

    .. ...

  5. No, Obama don't make stupid jokes like that when dealing with foreign dictators. This is last thing you want when trying to deal with enemies; pissing off your enemies' citizens who are not always against us. Like in Iran, general population doesn't really hate Americans in general. They just don't like Bush. Its Iranian leaders who cause all the trouble. And you make joke saying lets kill Iranians? That's just stupid. Obama would try to win support of Iranian citizens in order to pressure its leaders. You just don't generalize things like McCain even if it was stupid joke.

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