
Wouldn't you like to clean up Pittsburgh?

by  |  earlier

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Starting a non profit soon and wondering about ideas,deals with exactly what is above. Cleaning up the forgotten sections of Pittsburgh, and getting the residents there to be responsible. So resources to get people motivated?




  1. It's best to go to organizations in the Pittsburgh area and see if they can adopt a specific area to keep clean.  College sororities and fraternities also would like to contribute back to the local area by fund raising and even donating their time to help clean and give back to the local communities.

    Most residential areas have also a community watch group.  See if you can contact them and get their support to help get the neighborhood together for a clean up day twice a year or even once a year.  Volunteering for clean up in one's own community/neiborhood is always best and it's visually appealing to the public and can increase the value of their properties.

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