
Wouldn't you rather live in France?

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US: 301m France: 61m

Life Expectancy:

US male 75 years female: 81

France: male: 78 female: 84

Working week

US 46 hours France 35

Percentage below poverty line:

US: 12% France 6%


US 65-67 France 60

Prison population

US 2 million France 50,000

Murders per year

US 17,000 France 1,000

Overweight citizens

US more than two thirds France: less than one third

Public transport

US: poor and unreliable France Excellent

Health care

US depends on income France the world's best


US can be good - but a great deal of fast food France fine wines and produce




  1. yes these facts are very true. i have been to france many timse to visit my grandparents, and every summer is a new experience for me. i love the lifestyle, culture, the people, everything. i actually am planning to move there soon, but if i change my mind, france is my top choice after retirement to live in.

  2. come on the US hates the french......

    look in your history book!

  3. There're pros and cons to live in every country. I'm French and I agree with your statistics, but don't believe everything's perfect in France. You haven't mentionned anything about salaries, unemployment and the 35h working week means low salary for the ones who have it, because, as an executive, i work 46h like you. You also haven't said we're a country of strikes, everywhere and everytime, so i wouldn't be so optimistic about the reliability of our public transport. Our prison population is low because we need more prisons...

    Otherwise, it's true we've a very good health care system that we're proud of it, but it costs a lot!

    But what i like in my country is the way of life that is devoted to pleasure. You talked about food for example.

    To conclude, FRance isn't neither better nor worse than the USA, just different.

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