
Wouldnt it be cool if there really was a card game where you could win by pulling the race card?

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haha Im black so I win.




  1. Maybe for some people, but this game would suck for me as I'm white!

  2. The only people who win are, as always, the shyster lawyers who encourage deadbeats chasing easy money from pointless tribunal cases or are prepared to take the money from obvious chancers like Naomi Campbell.

    Of course there is real racism and real sexism. It is a White Man's World in the West but we are lucky to live in a flexible system where, if you are persistent and strive to be the best and work hard, you will eventually succeed.

  3. Race card itself is segregation naive with its metaphor that ignite a barrier. Healthy society has no room for this game show.

  4. I think they have race cards at horse races, so you actually CAN win there.  Black only wins, though, if the black horse runs the fastest.  You never know, maybe the gray polka-dotted horse will be the fastest...  or the Palomino...

  5. No. You should be ashamed of yourself for feeling this way- we're trying to make some progress here not create yet more needless division!

  6. I think if less people played the "race card", true instances of racism would be taken more seriously.  We're equals, let's act like it.  People who portray themselves as victims are more likely to be victimized.  I live in Eastern Canada, where race is rarely an issue, and I love that people of different ethniticities, white, black, asian, hispanic, etc just see each other as people.

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