
Wouldnt it make sence?

by Guest67191  |  earlier

0 LIKES UnLike mainstream solar power production by enforcing new homes especially large condominiums, goverment buildings, schools!!!, nursing homes, etc. to be constructed with built in solar panels and the nessary equipment to store it?

Yes, solar panels cost alot but if we start producing them on a large scale wouldn't that lower the price?

Wouldnt that also lower the power demand?


-Am I correct that with the power consumed by the panels there should be enough power to run an air conditioner for a day?




  1. why would we want to do anything that makes sense when we favor nonsense just because people who are not rocket scientists can tell you what the answer is

  2. Solar power makes sense in some places and not in others.

    1. Where your house occurs. the closer to the equator the more solar energy arrives at your house.

    2. Weather.  some places have too much clouds/rain/snow to be efficient.  the cost of solar panels would far exceed any energy savings.

    3. The layout.  If your house is shaded from the sun to keep it cool would all the extra sun you got from cutting back the trees use up all the benefit from solar energy.

    4.  Many home buyers can hardly afford the house they are buying adding 30-50,000$ to the cost for solar would price them out of the market.

    All the other building have owners, builders and renters that face similar problems.

    Yes more solar is good to encourage, even to subsidize with tax dollars.  Mandates would hurt everyone and would not likely increase the number of new solar facilities.

  3. No it wouldnt lower price, just because you make it necessary to produce doesnt mean the price of production decreases. Yes it would lower power demand, and there would be fewer blackouts, but the power produced would depend on the setup, but the other issue that you are failing to consider is that by implimenting these laws you would indirectly increase the cost of housing.

  4. Regarding the power for an air conditioner, I believe that the amount of properly oriented solar panel collection area available on the roof top of the average temperate zone American house would not be sufficient to provide all of the power required for the average typical central AC configuration.  However, there are many very affordable and practical passive solar techniques that can be employed to decrease the heat entering the home in the hot season and to increase the overall efficiency of the cooling system. Some of these measures are as simple as caulking around windows, installing double glazed windows, using light colored heat reflective shingles and exterior coatings, adding extra attic insulation, turning off lights and appliances that are not in use, etc.

    You are correct that large scale production should decrease costs of solar power collection systems.  However, storage systems are still relatively inefficient, large and expensive...and there are many safety issues.  This should change as development is encouraged by higher demand.

    I hope that this helps.  Thank you for your excellent question and BLESS YOU!!!!

  5. yes and we can also use water

    but how does solar power work at night?

  6. sense

  7. Al Gore went green on his mansion by installing solar panels, changing light bulbs, etc.  His electric bill went up after the changes.  

    So, no.

  8. i dont know too much about the science behind solar panels and how much energy they take in, but every now and then i see a house that looks like it runs only on solar power... assuming that the panels could supply enough power, i think we definitely should start using them. it makes total sense to me too!
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