
Wouldnt this be considered physical or child abuse?

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Well we have this MEAN karate teacher and we practice some rolls on the ground in case like we get thrown down a hill or something idk and we practice them on matts obviously because we could get really hurt on the hard wood floor. like we are all around 12 years old so obviously we arent proficient at throwing ourselves on the floor without getting hurt.

Well today he goes "at the end of class i have a little surprise" and we all think we are going to play a game. no. he makes us do the rolls on the hard wood floor. and then with a running start. and we had to keep doing them ubntil we did them right. i hurt so bad right now and you heard thumps and groans all over and he even said "i hear some bones cracklin" but he didnt stop. shoudnt that be consiered child abuse?




  1. its a karate class.. u dont even have to do it if you dont want to.

  2. By the way you write I doubt you're 12 because you sound older than that .

    Secondly, it's not abuse. You signed up voluntarily for karate lessons and in reality if you had to defend yourself or actually use it there aren't going to be mats around for you to do it on. It could be wood floor, it could be pavement or it could be grass or gravel even. You have to know how to do it well on any surface. If you don't like it, quit. No one is forcing you to stay.

  3. Nope that's not abuse.  If you were in a fight on the street you wouldn't be falling on a mat now would you?  If you can't take it maybe you'd better drop out of the class and let someone else less inclined to whine about having to follow instructions have a chance at taking the class.

  4. yes. ur karate teacher is taking advantage of you.

    tell someone!

    or talk to him about how you guys feel, and might listen

  5. Karate is a physical sport, and I imagine one you participate in voluntarily. Is it child abuse to tell a football player to tackle another to the ground? Is it child abuse for a baseball coach to throw a baseball at a kid who misses and gets hit by the ball? Would it be child abuse if he asked you to spar with another student and you got kicked? The answer is no. Your karate teacher is trying to teach you how to fall without hurting yourselves. He let you practice on the mats so, regardless of your age, you should have gotten used to it. If you were no longer willing to participate, you should have left for the day. If that is the case, I would advise taking up a different hobby.

  6. Hmm.. I've never taken karate so i dont know how teachers are supossed to be, but that's definitley something you should talk to a adult about.

  7. Well thats life you don't always have mats. We actually never had real mats at best we had yoga mats, I prefered the floor. What would be abuse is if he demonstarted an arm break and broke someone's arm.   Normally on rolling days I wear a pair of bike shorts underneath my gi and a shirt more padding.It makes you feel better.  Hey we practiced on concrete once, it could be worse.


    Reading what your friend wrote he does sound mean. But it is INCREDIBLY important you have a tight fist otherwise you could break your wrist (happened to me)

    And sweeping your feet that is just mean. My teacher would only do that if you were not bending your leg, but

    all tell one more thing My teacher if you thought you could relax when he wasn't looking he would kick you in the stomach, he also carried a bamboo sword which we had to jump over on concrete I am barely 5 feet and he would always put it above my hips. Now that hurt.

  8. Talk to your parents and have them talk to him. It sounds like hes a little rough on you guys. Why didnt you tell him it hurt? You dont HAVE to do it. Talk to your parents.

  9. No, He is teaching you karate, sorry but it's not something you do if you don't want a workout. If you are really rolling on the ground, like he is supposed to be teaching you, then it's going to feel a lot like that wood floor.

  10. That's awful! I take karate with the United Studios of Self Defense and I know my sensei would never pull such a thing with me (an adult) much less the kids!

    It's one thing when you have pads and mats, and maybe, after you all have it perfect, then the floor.

    Your friend's account is shocking as well. Just be up front with your parents and say you want to go to a different dojo or something. It's not like you learn more by getting hurt a lot. Maybe a combined account of you and your friend might do the trick. I hope your parents will also complain to the association.

    I swear, some guys are too macho and forget they are dealing with kids.

    Melissa- Football players wear pads. So do karate students when sparring, but they don't most of the time when they are learning a new technique because you are suppose to pull your punches and make a signal with holds when it hurts!

  11. That was inappropriate.

    You need to let your parents know.  They need to let the other parents know.

    There are lots of great martial arts teachers out there.

    Find one of them.

  12. this is CHILD ABUSE!!!!!! ok this guy is sooooo mean. So I amm doing a punch and its apperently he doesnt think its 'strong enough' so he takes me fist and punches it. omg my knuckles were bright red. then one time apperemtaly my feet were to heavy so he told me by sweeping his feet under mine and making me fall flat on my face. this guy is always like hitting his students. well, not hitting but when he pats you on the back it feel like the wind has been knocked out of you. grrrrrr! I hate him.

  13. have you told your parents about this?

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