Earlyer today i was talking to my friend about her sewing thing she has going on. She told me to try it out. She said that she makes all kinds of stuff on her sewing machine and then sales it on craigslist or ebay or puts it int he penny saver to sale. She does this for a living, she said she does it this way so that they dont take taxes out of the money she gets. She was telling me that i should try it out. I want to make the stuff, but i dont want to do it with the same intentions as she does. I want to make clothes for my daughter. But im afraid that when she out grows them im gonna go through them like i always do and get rid of the ones i dont want, if i were to sale them, wouldnt they see they are hand made? I dont want to get cought up in any kind of tax fraud or anything. Is what she doing illegal? And should i be worried about saleing anything int he future that my little girl may out grow. I dont know to much about this stuff, but it seems like my friend has been doing this for over a year and she makes alot i think.