
Wouldn`t women have a better respect for Hillary had she kicked Bill to the curb and made it to the Whitehouse

by Guest58249  |  earlier

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alone but if you keep the rat and cheater, you only want the glory of the dynasty of the Clintons in the Whitehouse for history sake.




  1. I would definitely have more respect for her. I think the only reason she stayed with Bill was for political reasons.

  2. I honestly think you're right about that, but it would make her even less likable among religious independents who believe in marriage.

  3. Not in the least.

    Bill's infidelity was not absent his true affection and love for Hillary, do not be deceived by the propaganda.  This actually was a personal affair for Hillary and Bill to work out, and actually, George H.W. Bush's seven year scandalous adulterous affair and sexual escapades over two continents with his personal secretary, that brought letters of protest from the US Embassy staff in China where Bush worked was far more damaging to Bush than Lewinsky was to Clinton.

    Additionally, Lewinsky's police record should have kept her out of the White House, since she was guilty of doing the same thing to a boss, a co-worker and a professor of hers that she did to Clinton and the White House security check is VERY thorough... therefore, someone in the Republican mafia cult MUST have arranged for Monica Lewinsky's entry into the White House private office of Bill Clinton, the same way the large cardboard box of Whitewater Papers mysteriously appeared in the White House main portico without any security officers or administrative employees noticing anyone bringing a large cardboard container full of documents into the White House!  Of course, the courts ruled that the documents did not pertain to either Clinton, so they were inadmissable as evidence.  What we know about Watergate and Nixon was only one event in many that goes back over one-hundred years!

    It doesn't take too much to add two plus two and get four, unless you accept the Republicommunist mafia cult's two plus two equals seven and three-sixteenths!

  4. The premise of the question is intresting. From what I can tell a lot of what the media reports is wrong most of the time anyhow and then they have to retract what they say. I am a woman and I am only speculating but I think she would of had a better shot with me (and I am not a feminist in the strict sense) if she did kick Bill to the curb and made a life of her own apart from him. He broke her trust but who knows whats between 2 people in a marriage? She wants to be seen as independent but who has been campaigning for her all over the country? Bill. On CNN the other night the mention of controlling your spouse came up. I don't know about anyone else but if you got married to control someone then you're in for a rude awakening. I bring it up because she wants to be seen as a separate entity from Bill but yet he campaigns for her. He was a President previously so she can't have it both ways! She may make the nomination yet but we'll see...

  5. Amen. However Hillary had an agenda to be senator and president so she needed Bill. All the feminists look up to her and think she is wonderful but she broke the first feminist rule that men are not needed by women for anything. Crazy huh?

  6. The Clintons are all crazy

  7. I have respect for her for making her own personal decision about a private matter, than for bowing to public pressure to dump a long-term marriage over his mistake, thus making it seem to young people that marriage is nothing more than a disposable convenience.

  8.'s so clear that she has stayed with Bill simply because she wants to be President--for power.

    And I don't want a woman in the White House who based so much of her campaign on her husband--on how she helped him so much in the White House, about how great it was then and how great it would be if she were President because of this...and the fact that Bill fights so many of her battles is off-putting.

  9. no, i respect her for just the way she acted and took care of it. she didnt fall on her face and act like she's going to die because of what happened. of which i'm sure thats what her critics are really mad about. she proved herself. and as far as what he did theres not a man alive that has not done the same thing, just didnt get caught. and every intelligent person knows that.

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