
Wow, Can someone help me out? ( DRIVING )?

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Alright so I just went driving with my dad, and my mom owns a small 325 beamer which i wanted to take and my dad owns a massive 250 4 door ford. He decides to take me driving in his truck. okay this is like my second time driving? hes like well if you learn to drive a truck you can drive anything.

ANYWAYS. i came to realise thhat i am really nervous behind the wheel and i cant calm down. i dont pay attention to signs or anything . im just so nervous like im actually trembling.

does anyone have any good driving tips?

this would really help me out a lot.


-abby ♥





    you can get much information in this website,stay a minute in website and check anyone link at a time,you can aslo get your answer in Google Search in this website, which has helped me alot

  2. Your Dad is right, you need to learn to drive the truck.  You also need to focus so that you don't endanger your life as well as all of ours.

    To focus, remember that you only have ONE JOB while you are driving.  Your job is TO DRIVE THE CAR.  

    When you are starting out, you haven't yet earned the right to mess with the radio, and you probably SHOULD NOT have friends in the car and be carring on extensive conversations.  YOU NEED TO DRIVE.  That's not to punnish you or treat you like a child, it's because you are still learning.  While you are learning, you ARE a danger to yourself and others, even thought it sucks to think of yourself that way.  YOU MUST learn to be natural behind the wheel before you EARN the right to do ANYTHING else in there, radio or whatever.  That's because when you are driving a car, you controll a couple of tons of metal hurling down the road at 30+ mph.  You are almost ALWAYS going to be going faster than 30.  Remember that you are in what can legally be considered a weapon, so you MUST learn to be responsible.

    Driving is a privlage.  It is really important to treat it with respect.  

    Be calm, because being nervous will tense your body, and that won't help you LOOK AROUND you and WATCH EVERYTHING.  Remember that OTHER DRIVERS are dangerous as well, and you must always watch everyone on the road... like a game of chess.  You have to see all the peices at once to play the game.

    Don't let your brain play games with you and stress you out, but DON'T take your new responcibility lightly.

    You aren't ready for a 325 Beamer if you are nervous driving a POS truck.  You're dad's right, you need to learn to drive ANYTHING.  If all your friends decide to drive someplace and get wasted, and you are smart enough to know that SOMEONE has to be sober to drive you home, you better be prepared to drive WHATEVER VEHICLE got you there in the first place.  You should learn stick now, because once you've got it, you know it for life.  

    Be as mature in this situation as possible.  Learn to drive everything, because it's smart.  Once you have shown that you are willing to be responcible, youre parents MAY be more willing to let you take out an expencive car.  This is your chance to shine.

  3. Experience will probably help.  My oldest sister and myself were born knowing how to drive jokes my mother.  The first time behind the wheel my driving instructor took me on the freeway and downtown.  (Downtown causes people grief with all the one way streets.)  The other sister and the brother just younger then me however pretty much lack all coordination.  My sister was so bad the first time she tried the freeway, she "merged" right into a cop car.  Over time, she has got better at driving.  My younger brother is still working on it, maybe he'll get it in time.

    My suggestion is to keep working on it.  Change your vehicles up so you don't get used to just one.  (you might freak out again if you get in something else.)  Drive as much as you can, until you freak out/it stops being fun.  Once you reach that point, let mom/dad take over.  If you force yourself to do it, it won't be fun.  As long as you enjoy trying, you'll do better.

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