
Wow, I didn't know we praised Obama...

by  |  earlier

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for blowing his nose

someone's been drinking the kool-aide again




  1. A vote for Obama is a vote for sanity. We have had enough of the lunacy of Freedom Fries, Dixie Chicking, Swift Boating, and the three D's...dishonesty, distortions and depravity. So praising Obama for anything is the way to go.

    What a ride these past eight years have been, and here is our country, muddled in debt, jobless, homeless, hopeless.  Republicans are so afraid of taxes. How do they plan on paying the trillions we owe China?..I doubt if they will accept payment in Ramen Noodles!

  2. mob mentality. it's odd, but not news worthy. these 24/7 news channels are getting sad...

    sorry, i meant they have been sad for years

  3. a vote for Obama is a vote for Osama !

  4. Obama is crazy, he wrote an autobiography at age 25, who in the h**l does that? Some one whose been planning this for a long time. That scares me.

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