
Wow, a fast turning and speedy flying object? Alien(UFO)?

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WTF?? today after school about 20 minutes ago when i was walking to my house with my friend, i looked at the sky and saw like an airplane as i thought right?.. so we were walking and i saw it getting like bigger after 15 seconds like if it was getting closer, i told my friend hey look at that is that an airplane?? He wasnt sure and neither was i but it looked oval and we couldnt tell then 1 minute later it suddently flew LIKE MAD FAST TOWARDS SOUTH!! then we were like holy s**+*****t! Then it like dissapeared since it went so fast we couldnt see it and it suddently came back and went back up north and never came back. WTF???

This is my first time ive seen this and i do bealive in aliens. This couldnt have been nothing like an airplane/ballons/birds or w/e. Unless the government has like advance technology hiding it away and making these things. hmmmmm?




  1. Might be the new bomber stealth the government is testing.  I'm classified from telling you any more than that. =)  It's all good though cuz now I know someone likes it.

  2. a helicopter some can be extremely fast , they can hover , and can accelerate quickly.

    Well helicopters fly above cloud layers , ceiling and altitude are not problems for it , a  military  jet can go from about 200 knots (which is slow) to 1000 mph. If you say it couldn't be an aircraft then it was probably a UFO , I'm not kidding or being sarcastic.

    Have you ever seen Battle star Galactica or Enterprise ? well people who have worked  in Area 51 say we have already been their , unfortunately they all nonexistent lets say today. Where do you live?

  3. Its an optical illusion, Ive seen it many times as aircraft turn while on an approach

    When an aircraft has it landing light on and turns it creates the illusion. It appears that the light has flown off at an incredibly speed but its just that the light is at an angle you cannot see and so your eyes jump to what the beam is illuminating as the light is turned. The lights go dozens of miles at night which makes it even more bizarre.

  4. No sonic boom?  Then it wasn't very fast.

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