
Wow, is anyone else disapponted with the Finals this year?

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I am from Detroit, and a Wings fan. I was eagerly anticipated by this Pens-Wings series because I bought into the hype of Pittsburgh and how analyists were saying this would be a close series, how the Pens matched up well to the Wings, and go 6-7 games.

Lets face it the Wings are a dominate team and the Western Conference is way better and competitve than the East. In the last 10 years the Wings have been in 3 Stanley Cup Finals, and have won all 3 Finals series.

Wings vs. Flyers- Wings win in 4

Wings vs. Caps- Wings win in 4

Wings vs. Canes- Wings win in 5

This goes to prove that the West is better than the East, and if an Eastern Conferce team wins it usually takes them 6-7 games.




  1. LOL as a wings fan this is great for me! The easier and faster we win the cup the better!

  2. "maybe if people outside of Canada watched hockey people would know what your talking about"

    LMAO PSHHH HOCKEY, the NHL is fvckin joke

  3. Nope, nothing gives me more pleasure than seening Detroit destroy Pittsburgh.  Only because no one gave Detroit credit all playoffs, but ALL the focus was on the Penguins and their "superstars".  It's reality check time.  Those of you who REALLY know hockey should have seen this coming.  Detroit has been a force all year, and they constantly are up against better teams in the West.

    We all know Detroit has the ability to put PLAYOFF losses behind them.  Pittsburgh has never had to, except last year when they couldn't either.  Therrien mentioned that they faced plenty of adversity in the regular season, so they would be ready.  But we ALL know the playoffs are a different beast.  THIS is where experience comes in.  I totally believe Pittsburgh will win one game at home here, but only one.  Detroit will bounce back fine and finish the series off in 5.  This Detroit bunch will not be distracted by cheap shots, or anything that Pittsburgh does to try to get them away from their game.  Pittsburgh needs to just focus on themselves and not Detroit, then and only then do they have a chance.  Detroit will not be down and dejected if they lose a game.  The Pens just looked like they lost the world in game 1, led by their coach.  IT WAS ONE GAME ON THE ROAD.  When Therrien was completely dejected in the press conference after Game 1, he sealed his teams fate for the next game.  I also really think his and Crosby's whining tactics after Game 2 has set the same precedence.  Crosby of all people is the LAST person in that lockerroom that should be whining about the reffing and Detroit's style.  Leave the whining up to us fans and focus on your game.  DON'T LET THE OPPONENT KNOW THAT YOU KNOW THEY ARE KICKING YOUR @SSES.  Detroit will feed off that.  Any team would.  I would put THAT on the board in the lockerroom if I was Detroit.

    "A twenty-year old is calling you all cheaters".  Sure he wasn't addressing Detroit directly, but he might as well have.  If Crosby wants to get rid of the "whiny little ***** stigma" then he needs to start acting like a captain, not a 10-year old.

    I now understand why all you Eastern Conference team fans (other than Pens fans), despise Crosby.  Its because he came into the league with a silver spoon in his mouth.  I know Crosby didn't ask for it, that is totally on the media, but he NEEDS to talk the talk and walk the walk ON THE ICE.  Any other 20-year old would get ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT from a referee with these kind of actions, and he should not be an exception.  Oh, did anybody know where Malkin went??

  4. I am disappointed because I did think it would be a little closer. I wasn't sure how many games it would go, but I did think the first two games would have been closer in score. Mostly, I'm disappointed with the discipline of the Pens players....they're getting frustrated and will need to snap out of it to make it a series.

  5. Yep. I would realy hate to see the cup end up in the hands of the Redwings.

  6. Possibly the most uninteresting Stanley Cup series ever. These kind of games are not good for bringing more popularity to the NHL, which means it is less likely future games will be broadcast on one of the major cable networks. Hopefully the Pens will make the series more interesting in the next few games.

  7. first off it three cups in the las 11 years and i kinda look like the pens are just happy to be in the finals where the wings r expected to win in detroit and i think that pushes them pluse the wings have alot of seasoned vets that know how hard it is to make it there and the pens are young and might think that this will happen every year for them

  8. I'm elated

  9. Like you I was eagerly awaiting this series but I had suspected the Pens might get a bit overwhelmed. I didnt think it would be to this level, I watched the post game press conference and the Wings are even in the coaches head. Hearing him complain about Osgood was disappointing in light of the phantom call on Homer the game before, Sykora made a choice to turn the shoulder toward Ozzie. Being a Wings fan I should feel real happy but in a way this just isnt sitting well with me....the dominance of the Wings and the frustration displayed by the Pens isnt helping get the game promoted the way a good finals should. Add in the incredibly inept broadcast group from VS (BS would be a better description) and this isnt what any fan of hockey could ever want. Hopefully the move to the Igloo and NBC will change some of the way this series will play out but no matter the venue this Wings team is showing the rest of the hockey world what us Detroiters already knew.....They are the undisputed best team in the world this year and will soon hoist Cup #11.

  10. Actually this year the Eastern Conference did better aside from the playoffs.

    The eastern conference needed 94 points to make the playoffs and the 9th seeded team had 92.

    The western conference needed 91 points to make the playoffs and the 9th seeded team had 88.

    I wasn't expecting much in the finals anyways.Everyone knew how dominant the Wings have been throughout the season and were a definate favorite to win it.

  11. It's always a great time when Crybaby Cindy gets a slice of humble pie.

  12. the pens are inexperienced but they will improve each game and hopefully make the series longer

  13. I'm on Cloud Nine

  14. Both happy and disappointed. Happy the wings are beating the Crosbys (pens) and disappointed that this seris is so lob sided, Bettman should have waitied about 2 more years before he got his team to the cup.

  15. Not really, it is not over yet, but it reminds me  of a series a long time ago between the Oilers and Islander, NY  had won like 4 out of 5 years, but the Oilers were just coming into their own with young guns, Gretsky, Messier, Fuhr,Coffey etc.., everyone thought they were ready to take over, but not quite, their first time in the finals I think they got swept by that great veteran Islander team with Potivin, Billy Smith and Bossey, could be that they are still a year or two away.

         I think the rivalry to watch in the next 5 years is going to be Washington and Pittsburgh.

  16. maybe if people outside of Canada watched hockey people would know what your talking about

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