
Wow, who is amazed by the winged cat from China??!?

by  |  earlier

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wooooooooooow.. I cant believe it, it looks so unreal like it came out of a fantasy world or something.. im so happy about it =S its like magic or sumthing.. who wud've thought it was possible for a cats to have wings! this news was soo random ^^ LOL all i can say is wwwwoooow .. and i want one!! xD





  1. Omg link please!

  2. me tOO xD

  3. I saw that. It is so weird

  4. That is the most unushual deformity for a cat to have.  

  5. My first thought was hoax, too, but the &#039;winged&#039; cat is quite real.  The first two links are below are the story and the third is an article that explains the phenomena.  

    From the article:

        &quot;Over the years there have been many reports of winged cats. These have been treated as cryptozoological phenomena. Many people would like to believe in flying cats, but the real explanation is medical, not mystical. The answers lie in poor grooming, a developmental defect or an uncommon hereditary skin condition.&quot;

    The article has pictures of other winged cats and tells of some of the superstitions surrounding these &#039;winged&#039; cats through ages.  It is quite amazing.  This information definitely goes in my favorites!

    Purrs to you and your kitties.

  6. It&#039;s just shedding it&#039;s own fur and hasn&#039;t been groomed properly!!

    How is it a deformity!?

    It&#039;s matted fur.

  7. Sorry guys, it&#039;s an old hoax...

  8. &quot;Geneticists have a less romantic theory. They believe it could be a genetic defect, a skin condition, or the result of poor grooming. &quot;

    Doesn&#039;t seem very &quot;magical&quot; to me.

  9. Now there&#039;s proof .. You are what you eat.

  10. It&#039;s matted fur,shedding from the cat.I fed a feral cat for years and she grew &quot;wings&quot; every spring.She had long,thick fur,and when it shed,it would form into wing-like mats before falling out and being replaced by her summer coat. It&#039;s really quite common.

  11. seriously?

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