I was looking for interesting horse facts online, and stumbled across this:
Not a true breed, the Perkehner has been defined as "any equines in the universe that express somewhat misfit traits." Owners with potential Perkehners may register them by sending the Society $11.79, along with a photograph and a list of three qualifying "peculiarities."
Universal Perkehner Society, P.O. Box 1874, Cave Creek, AZ 85311-1874
I just thought it was pretty interesting that you can register a horse based on its weird (or undesirable) characteristics. I wonder if the fuglyhorseoftheday gal has heard of this breed?
If I did have a horse with the three qualifying traits needed for this breed, why would I want to register it in a group of poorly-formed equines? To have a contest for whose is worst? What do you all think?