
Wow. Did USC just go on the road and demolish another non-conference opponent, again?

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Why does Pete Carroll always have to schedule good teams? I mean they should just play teams such as villanova or georgia southern or something. There is no need to embarass the ACC like that.




  1. You are kidding right???

    UVA is NOT a good team.

  2. USC plays anybody anywhere!!

  3. Yeah...they did

  4. all the ohio st fans were praying UV would win today


    Looking forwards to Ohio st's doomesday



    Like Ohio St schedules top teams--like Akron & the Nigerian school for paralyzed Dwarfs--twice each year!


    Ohio St will get creamed

  5. Virgina is a good team? When did they become a threat. Ohhh right they arent. Petey boy only scheduled one good team, Ohio State, which is the biggest mistake of his season this year because Ohio State is going to ruin USC's chance on a championship.....Ohhhh SNAP!!!!


    Have you guys forgotten when we played Texas.....TWICE....lost to them the same year USC did but we lost buy 3....USC lost by 7. Then the next year we go down to Austin and kills them....Give me some powerhouse teams non-conference teams USC has plaed that they havent lost to....?

  6. Pete Carroll is only going to shcedule teams he knows he can beat in non confrence match ups along with many of the other top ranked teams, its a no brainer. Very few teams have tough non confrence opponents its been that way in the past and always will be. Now I am baised and I know I am but I am not ignorant to the fact that the SEC is the most dominant Confrence in college football today and if you dont agree your just ignorant to the sport. Ok for you boys and gals whom are a little pissed right now, just think about it for example put ohio state in the SEC, we all know what would happen, just look at the past to championship games Now for USC (SC) for you Cali folks placed them in SEC, do they walk away with the same five year record they've had in the past five years, No they don't and if you think yes, Once again your ignorant to the sport. I am a LSU  fan hands down and we have 3 cake walk non confrence games to start the year off, but then take a look at the schedule, full steem ahead into a gaunlet of trouble, will they have a hard time yes they will, but do they have a great chance of dominating the playing field, yes they do. Even with quater back uncertianties the LSU tigers will do well and will finish with no more than 2 losses and National Contenders Once again. Pete Carroll and SC do not want to play in a Confrence like the SEC, they are happy right at home where they are playing chicken little and friends.

    When you have a tough schedule like most all the SEC Teams I can understand cake walk games but come on people look at Ohio State and Southern Cals Schedules do they really compare...... the real answer is No and you all know that.

  7. Yeah, but the problem is that USC hasn't been able to close out on Pac-10 opponents since the end of the Leinart era.

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